
Unified Volleyball Group Testing Sessions

Hello Unified Athletes and parents! First off, we wanted to voice our sincere gratitude for your willingness to take the time to attend our event and to approach the principles discussed with open minds. We had a blast presenting for you guys! Second, huge thanks to Coach Jason and Coach Brian for putting this together. These […]

Injury Prevention for Endurance Athletes

Injury prevention exercises may very well be the most important aspect of a runner’s race prep. The ability to withstand the thousands upon thousands of impacts with the ground each run, can not only make or break your performance, it can also prevent injuries that can stop race prep dead in its tracks. The three […]

Training the Brakes Before the Engine: Optimizing Sports Performance

Bring Cutting Edge Sports Science to Your Athletes! AFS offers a wide variety of complimentary educational services designed to provide maximal value at little to no cost. Why do we do it? Because we like to teach people how to be proactive in their fitness journey and stay injury free! See below for a great opportunity […]

Resolution Reset- Ann Arbor

Resolution Reset! Join us for our FREE workshop on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30pm, Applied Fitness Solutions -Ann Arbor Learn how to analyze where your resolution went wrong Goal-setting & mindfulness tips to ensure future success Nutrition & exercise strategies you can stick with – now and forever! Join AFS Founder Mike Stack on Wednesday, February 15th in […]

Nutrition for Endurance Athletes Part 2

Hello again runners! It’s been a couple of weeks since we talked about nutrition in the first of this two-part blog (read part 1 by clicking here). So…how are you doing? What item did you pick to improve on? Have you implemented it? How’s it going? I certainly hope you’re making good progress on the […]

Meet AFS’ Newest Interns!

Peg Tewksbury Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI I majored in Movement Science at the University of Michigan, B.S., M.S.  I grew up in Grand Rapids, MI and moved to the Ann Arbor area in 1977. What got you into the fitness industry? I became interested in the fitness/wellness industry in my early twenties when my father […]

Running For Fat Loss?

Summer time is coming, and you might be thinking your running plan is perfect way to shed some extra pounds and get that “beach bod” you’ve always wanted. I mean it’s perfect, right? Running is great for fat loss. You’ve got a great plan, you’ve got the goal of a race in the fall to […]

Nutrition for Endurance Athletes Part 1

The single most under appreciated aspect of running a successful race is nutrition. Quite literally, the fuel you put in your body can make or break a race day performance. Since nutrition is such a big topic, we’re going to break it down into two blogs. The second half of our nutrition discussion will come […]

Arti’s Ladies Night Workout

Arti Invites you to Ladies Night at AFS! Join us for a fun circuit training class Friday, Feb. 10th at 7:00pm Presented by:  Applied Fitness Solutions  1136 S. Rochester Rd. Rochester, MI 48307 The class will be completely guided by a degreed and certified personal trainer with the following: TRX Suspension training Boxing Dumbbells/Light Barbells Bands, Body […]

Success Story: Beth M.

It is never too late to be what you might have been–George Eliot This is my motto.   Last January (2015) I decided to take some time to take care of myself. It took a few months of soul searching and realizing that I wasn’t happy with my life at that time. I worked 10 […]

Conquering Menopause- Ann Arbor

Conquering Menopause! Join us for our FREE workshop on Wednesday, January 25th at 6:30pm, Applied Fitness Solutions -Ann Arbor The science behind how menopause can negatively affect fitness and body composition Diet and exercise strategies to combat the negative effects of menopause Retake control of your fitness, body composition, and life! As we age, our bodies adapt […]

Resistance Training For Endurance Athletes

If you’re a runner, what do you spend most of your exercise time doing? The answer is obvious, running! And as well it should be, because your sport and training goal is to run and run fast. Interestingly enough though, running and even running fast won’t necessarily result in a fast race day performance, in […]