
Why Taking a GLP-1 Drug Isn’t the Easy Way Out

Why Taking a GLP-1 Drug Isn’t the Easy Way Out   The world seems to be divided over the GLP-1 drugs. Some consider this Anti-Obesity Medication to be a game changing shift in the treatment of obesity. At the same time you hear other people say it is “the easy way out,” or even go […]

Zone 2 Cardio vs. HIIT – Which is Better for You?

You’ve probably heard a lot about High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT). You’ve also probably heard of Zone 2 Cardio.  Some of the claims around HIIT might even make it seem like an obvious choice to improve your health, fitness and body composition. However, there is increasing interest in Zone 2 Cardio and its unique […]

Why Workout Classes Can Be More Effective Than Solo Training

Group workout classes are certainly nothing new. A lot of us probably remember Richard Simmons “sweatin’ the oldies” in shorts that were just a little too short, back in the 80’s. While group workout classes may take on many different formats and structures, they have some important commonalities that have created staying power in the […]

The Truth Behind HIIT and if it’s Right for You

Woman conducting a HIIT class at AFS ann arbor

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a very popular mode of exercise, for good reason – it works when done right. The operative part of that sentence is “when done right.” Given our fitfluencer culture where anyone with an Instagram account and good looking physique can seem like an “expert,” it’s time we set the […]

Diets and The Common Denominator

There is no shortage of dietary advice available nowadays. Eat carbs, don’t eat carbs. Eat only meat, don’t eat any meat. Eat high fat, eat low fat. This advice is at best dizzying, and at worst contradictory. If you’re someone who has struggled with finding the right dietary pattern for you and you’re confused and […]

Strength Training: The New Cardio Webinar

Strength Training…it’s what the doctor is ordering. When you hear the words “strength” and “training”, we’re right there with you.  Cue up the images of overtly muscular dudes lifting heavy weights in the free weight section of the gym, intimidating their fellow patrons. Here’s the good news, strength training exceeds far beyond that imagery.  In […]

Train Your REAL Core to Banish Lower Back Pain

We’ve all had it happen at some point in our lives. You move a weird way, you sneeze, you sleep in the wrong position, you bend over to pick something up or put on your sock and WHACK – you hurt your back!    No injury seems as debilitating as an injury to the back. […]

A NEAT Way to Improve Your Health

We often think that to improve your health through movement you need to sweat it out in the gym. But what if I told this wasn’t necessarily true? What if you can do something much more profound for your health that involves movement and it has nothing to do with exercise, the gym, or feeling […]

5 Tips to Stay Healthy & Fit in the “Sandwich Generation”

helping a middle aged woman stay healthy and fit

Even the words Sandwich Generation make it sound daunting to stay healthy and fit. It’s as if we’re carrying around a sandwich in our pockets all the time, tempting us with high calorie bread, bacon, and mayo! If only it were that simple. If only we could just throw out the sandwich and leave our […]

Using Values and Goals Setting to make New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Summary Video:   Full Blog Below: I could certainly start this article by referencing all the data on how ineffective New Year’s resolutions are, but that wouldn’t be constructive, and I don’t believe it’s true. I actually think there’s something powerful about starting anew during a New Year. So rather than bash New Year’s resolutions, […]

How to Maximize the Benefits of Weight Loss Medication with Exercise

The GLP-1 and GIP weight loss medications have simply upended the medical community’s perspective on, and treatment of, individuals who are overweight or obese.  To some, these medications might sound “too good to be true.” Others view them as the answer to their prayers. Still others view them as a shortcut or a quick fix. Many […]

Strength Training: The New Cardio Revolution

For years, cardiovascular fitness was considered the epitome of what it meant to be healthy. Someone who could walk – or run – for miles was someone with a strong heart and lungs. That strong heart and lungs would help that person live a long and healthy life. “The heart is the most important muscle […]