
Terry Priestley’s Success Story

What motivated you to start at AFS? I had been struggling with some health issues caused by stress and I was very thin, out of shape and overall just didn’t feel well on multiple levels. I wanted to increase my endurance and gain some strength. I was eating but was having a hard time maintaining […]

Michigan Lightning Spring Performance Training

After an awesome winter, AFS and Michigan Lightning are providing you the opportunity to enroll your player in the next step of the Lightning performance program. The Format This winter we worked on speed, quickness, agility, overall conditioning/endurance, and core.. We now move into a part of the season that’s a bit more competition focused […]

Join us for the 2019 AHA Heart Walk!

Fun and Fitness For a Good Cause! If you’ve been an AFS client for a while, you may remember that every spring we get together, put on matching shirts, and walk like maniacs 😉 That’s right! It’s time for the AHA Heart Walk and this year all your favorite members of the AFS fam are […]

Melissa Pizzos Success Story

What motivated you to start at AFS? I have an auto-immune disease that affects my joints, mainly attacking my spine. I wanted to be stronger and lose weight in order to free myself of some of my chronic pain. I was so out of shape and in a lot of pain, but I was ready […]

Susan’s Success

How long have you been going to AFS and what motivated you to start? My weight has been a struggle for me ever since I was a teenager. I’ve tried the diets, the big gyms, you name it, but nothing has been able to stick long term. About two and a half years ago, I […]

Farewell Message from Jen

Valued Friends, As we have come into 2019, with the blistering cold temperatures, slick roads, and some crazy school closings; making moms and dads go stir crazy with all of the kiddos at home, I would like to take a second to slow down, cozy up, and get a good read in. So buckle up! […]

Mike Thomas’ Success Story

What motivated you to start at AFS? Rosanne and I had not been actively working out for almost two years and after experiencing a couple of injuries I realized that I needed to get back to regular workouts to help me get fit and lose weight. Doing it with Rosanne and our son, JT, was […]

Be a Workout Buddy

You’ve Been Chosen Congratulations! A friend or family member has designated you to be their workout buddy at AFS! (It’s like having a regular buddy except less fun and more sweaty). What this Means Your friend or family member recently signed up for a membership at Applied Fitness Solutions. In an effort to maximize comfort […]

Amanda Runyon’s Success


What motivated you to start at AFS? I was a pretty serious athlete when I was younger. After I stopped playing organized sports, I never changed my poor nutrition habits. As a result, my weight kept increasing over the years no matter my level of physical activity. My weight peaked in 2017 after I got […]

Jacqueline Zuke’s Success Story

AFS Pattern

What motivated you to start at AFS? I came to AFS looking for a lifestyle change with uncertainty on how. My mom was a member for a few months and she encouraged me to give it a shot. I had tried other gym “trials” and online programs, but they just did not stick. I was ready for something […]

“Fleece & Thank You” Blanket-Making Extravaganza 2019

Hospital rooms are scary environments to be in, especially for children. While most kids are out making new friends and enjoying the world, some have to be in these scary rooms without the comfort and security of their own homes. And here’s the kicker: every minute in America, 11 children are admitted into the hospital and […]

Jeff Aimone’s Success Story

What motivated you to start at AFS? I would get home from work everyday feeling exhausted and didn’t want to do anything. I have a desk job, so I should not be exhausted. I was gaining weight, not eating healthy and knew I needed to make a change. I saw AFS Rochester being built and […]