
Terry Priestley’s Success Story


What motivated you to start at AFS?

I had been struggling with some health issues caused by stress and I was very thin, out of shape and overall just didn’t feel well on multiple levels. I wanted to increase my endurance and gain some strength. I was eating but was having a hard time maintaining a healthy weight without exercise. I had no idea how I would start an exercise plan and maintain or even gain some weight. I always have been relatively health conscious and knew what it felt like to be at the top of my game. I wanted that again and knew I needed help getting there. I wanted a facility that could guide me with fitness, nutrition and really knew and cared about my goals. I read an article about AFS in the local newspaper and it seemed to be what I was looking for; trainer guided, client focused in a community type atmosphere. A couple months went by and while I was out running errands I decided to stop by AFS and check it out. I was greeted with a sincere feeling of being welcomed. Alex who was at the desk that day introduced me to Andrew. After showing me around and talking about my reasons for being there, explaining AFS’ philosophy and how they functioned as a facility he asked how I heard about AFS. I told him about reading the article a few months prior and his next words were “what took you so long?” I laughed out loud and knew this was the place. Andrew called me out and from there I knew not only was I getting a topnotch facility, but I was also going to be held accountable to do my part. I joined that day!

What keeps you coming back to AFS?

The people. Everyone from my trainer Trent to the other staff and fellow members. AFS has an awesome community, truly unlike any other fitness facility. My trainer Trent really has worked very hard with me to attain my goals. He helped me find the balance of food intake and exercise and encouraged me to take my fitness to a level I never thought possible. In Saturday’s Fitness Solution we’ve really become a team. We cheer each other on and grumble when we need to grumble. I push myself harder than I ever thought possible. AFS truly cares about your success. I have even participated in FREE health seminars conducted by the CEO, made blankets for children who are hospitalized and partook in a challenge throughout the holiday season to help hold me accountable. Those are just a few reasons I love this place. AFS really cares!!

What has been the biggest change since starting?

I feel great! Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. During the Maintain Don’t Gain Challenge (challenge during the holiday season) our leader and Trainer Eileen helped us to remember and understand it’s not just the physical element that needs to be exercised but our mental and spiritual attributes as well. She reminded us to be kind to ourselves with our words and that it is truly okay to take care of you. I can honestly say I feel healthy on all of these levels and that’s a big change for me.

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience?

Being a part of such a nurturing atmosphere and watching my fellow members be successful. Also, achieving a balance of fitness I truly never felt before.

What advice would you give to others looking to start at AFS?

Participate in all the things AFS has to offer…try all the classes (when you are ready), take advantage of any seminars (you will take away some great information), talk to people with whom you are working out with. We are in this together. Be good to yourself and JOIN AFS, you won’t regret it. Oh, did I mention…AFS cares about YOU!

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