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Mackenzie Kaiser Guilty Pleasure TV Program:Â House hunters international Favorite Cheat Meal: Chocolate chips (trust me, it can be a meal) Hidden Talent: I can make it look like I am pulling one side of my upper lip up
Mackenzie Kaiser Guilty Pleasure TV Program:Â House hunters international Favorite Cheat Meal: Chocolate chips (trust me, it can be a meal) Hidden Talent: I can make it look like I am pulling one side of my upper lip up
 Sawyer’s Staff Survey Guilty pleasure TV program: The Voice Favorite cheat meal: Ice cream! Nerdy obsession: Fantasy novels (Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings etc.). I have probably read upwards of 30-40 in the last 4 years… Hidden
 Sawyer’s Staff Survey Guilty pleasure TV program: The Voice Favorite cheat meal: Ice cream! Nerdy obsession: Fantasy novels (Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings etc.). I have probably read upwards of 30-40 in the last 4 years… Hidden talent:
According to some, dairy (milk primarily) is pretty much the best food on the planet. After all, it’s essential for healthy bones, teeth, and skin, according to countless commercials and cereal boxes. In addition, some research shows that it may
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