
OHM Advisors On-Site Circuit-Training Class

Bring your workout shoes, water bottle, and a positive attitude, because Applied Fitness Solutions is bringing their famous “Fitness Solution” classes to YOU. Devin Tarrant and his team from AFS Plymouth will be coming to OHM on Tuesday, July 9th to bring you the best circuit-training workout in town, so get ready to have fun […]

Onyx Off Ice Training With AFS

The summer session of our off-ice training provided by Applied Fitness Solutions is here! The Format (June 17th-Aug 23rd) As a compliment to on-ice training, the team at Applied Fitness Solutions have comprised a supervised program to assist your athletes with injury prevention, stability, strength, and power training. Incorporating these practices from a young age […]

I love my Mom because….

I love my mom because she taught me that having a mom like her means everything. I love how kind and generous she is to everyone she meets. I love how simply hearing her voice brings me peace. My momma is my best friend and my greatest source of encouragement, love and laughter. -Eileen I […]

Nancy Duncansons Success Story

What motivated you to start at AFS? At the age of 51 I felt I had everything…very successful career, beautiful family, great friends…but I knew that I was not my best self.  Even though I was successful with almost every aspect of my life…I was not successful in managing my health. I’ve never been “skinny”, […]

Danielle Belz Success Story

What motivated you to start at AFS? I started at AFS as a way to work on fitness in the fall of 2018. I was off work for 4 months at the beginning of 2018 due to severe cervical disk degeneration. I was benched so to speak for those 4 months. I was ‘trying” to […]

Corinne’s Self-Care Blog

Hello AFS family and welcome to the maiden voyage of Verdure, a series of blog posts written by yours truly! To start, I’d like to take a brief moment to introduce myself. I’m Corinne, the front desk manager over here in Ann Arbor and I’ve been with AFS since 2014! I have a dog named […]

Allison Webbs Wellness Journey…

What motivated you to start at AFS? I was looking for something “different”- something that would help me meet my fitness goals. When I learned how AFS  was structured with the classes and a trainer, I was really excited to begin! I knew that AFS would challenge me but also give me the support that I […]

Terry Priestley’s Success Story

What motivated you to start at AFS? I had been struggling with some health issues caused by stress and I was very thin, out of shape and overall just didn’t feel well on multiple levels. I wanted to increase my endurance and gain some strength. I was eating but was having a hard time maintaining […]

Michigan Lightning Spring Performance Training

After an awesome winter, AFS and Michigan Lightning are providing you the opportunity to enroll your player in the next step of the Lightning performance program. The Format This winter we worked on speed, quickness, agility, overall conditioning/endurance, and core.. We now move into a part of the season that’s a bit more competition focused […]

Join us for the 2019 AHA Heart Walk!

Fun and Fitness For a Good Cause! If you’ve been an AFS client for a while, you may remember that every spring we get together, put on matching shirts, and walk like maniacs 😉 That’s right! It’s time for the AHA Heart Walk and this year all your favorite members of the AFS fam are […]