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 Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. Caffeine is found in plants (typically tea and coffee plants), cocoa beans and fruits. While many people use caffeine to stay awake and alert during the day, caffeine also may improve fat mobilization.

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Processed Foods #2

  In my last blog, I explained what makes a food “processed” and covered some of the positives and negatives surrounding their increased prevalence in our diet. In this blog, I want to take a look at some of the

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My bags are packed…I’m ready to go…

“I’m waiting here outside the door……” Oops…got carried away with song……… Getting ready for the big day? Marathon? Half Marathon? Get ready now. Put a bag or box aside and start filling it with the “stuff” you are going to

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Muscle Growth Genetics

In my last blog I gave an overview of how genetics can affect fat loss. In this blog we will look at the other side of the coin — muscle growth! Genetics influence nearly all muscular properties and contribute significantly

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Linear Variable Resistance Training

Linear Variable Resistance (LVR) means that the load progressively increases as the range of motion increases. Forms of resistance exercise that utilize LVR include resistance bands, chains and some machines. Picture the barbell bench press with 100 lbs of weight

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Do Processed Foods Deserve the Demonization?

Type the phrase “processed foods cause” into Google, and the autocomplete feature brings up “cancer”, “constipation”, “allergies”, “inflammation”, “obesity”, “depression”, and “stomach pains”… The list could go on and on. Based on this description, processed foods sound more like a

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Genetics: How Much of a Role do they Play?

“I want to look like Giselle!” “Why does my friend stay skinny when he/she eats whatever they want and I eat perfectly and I can’t get lean?” I hear these comments and questions almost every day. Assuming training programs and

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GMO: Safe or Harmful?

Genetically modified foods, also known as GMO (genetically modified organisms), are a hot topic in the news. Concerns over GM foods are growing as public interest groups protest their development, and push  for mandatory labeling laws. What are GM foods

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Progressive Overload: A Primer

It’s Friday morning.  You arrive at the gym, pull out your workout and review what’s in store for today’s group strength class.  Surprise!  You have an extra set of bench presses and the weight on your leg press went up. 

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The Type II Diabetic and Resistance Training

Being overweight causes many medical issues.  One of the more prevalent problems is type II diabetes. Although conventional wisdom has advocated strongly for the use of cardiovascular training as the most effective exercise modality for weight and diabetes management, emerging

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