Success Story: Sarah
A facebook post leads Sarah to Success How did you hear about AFS? A friend of mine was always posting about it on Facebook, and it looked interesting. What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?
A facebook post leads Sarah to Success How did you hear about AFS? A friend of mine was always posting about it on Facebook, and it looked interesting. What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?
Around year 3 or 4 of my elementary teaching career, my school brought in a guest speaker who specialized in classroom management. In order to keep the whole school on the same page, every time (EVERY.TIME.) a staff member saw
Today’s blog is probably long overdue, it just took a question from one of our clients that triggered me to get it out to you guys. I was talking with a client this morning who mentioned to me that she
 A Lifetime of Letdowns Lead Janakee To Us Years ago, after realizing that I was not disciplined enough to work out on my own, I wanted motivation and accountability. My needs lined up perfectly with hiring a personal trainer, so
How did you hear about AFS? Friend and Colleague Suzanne Gray told me about AFS in Ann Arbor – she works out there and had nothing but positive things to say about the staff at AFS and the variety of
How did you hear about AFS? Easy, I did a Google search. What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape? The year before starting with AFSÂ I had horrible Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and ended up
Ashley Makes Change Inside and Out! How did you hear about AFS? Alex Evans, one of my very best friends, attended AFS in Ann Arbor prior to the opening of the Plymouth location. When Plymouth was getting ready to launch,
What exactly is it? Ok, so first things first. Surely many of our readers are seeing the headlines but might not have a full grasp of what exactly this game is or what the interface is like. Pokémon Go or
We hear from so many of our new and existing clients the following statement: “It’s easy for me to eat healthy during the week, but it all goes to hell on the weekend.” I know I’ve said that before, in
“I know what I need to do, I just need to do it”. In part one of this blog we discussed the idea of willpower, and how people tend to place immense value, in addition to their own sense of
How did you hear about AFS? My coworker at Roush, Joe, invited a bunch of us to do a trial class all together. Â I had been out of my exercise routine since 2013 when my dad passed away. Â I got
Katelyn Scrivano- Intern- Ann Arbor Hometown: Brighton, MI I will be a senior at the University of Michigan this fall and am in the Movement Science department in the School of Kinesiology. I’m in the process of getting ready to apply
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