
Molly’s Mantra: Feeling Strong is Empowering!



How did you hear about AFS?

Friend and Colleague Suzanne Gray told me about AFS in Ann Arbor – she works out there and had nothing but positive things to say about the staff at AFS and the variety of activities to do in class. I attended a free class with her and fell in love with the structure and flexibility.

What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?

I’ve been working out at other places, but had reached a plateau. I knew I needed to do something different to break through and get some new results. I also knew that I needed to be careful so that I didn’t re-injure myself. Albert Einstein is quoted as defining insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. I knew I needed to change something and shake up my routine.

What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?

I was impressed with the personalization you get with your fitness practitioner to make modifications based on my prior injuries. I like the aspect that you are doing something “for only 30 seconds” at a time – I can do almost anything for 30 seconds before switching to a different exercise. The variety of activities is very appealing.

How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?

All the class leaders/instructors are very knowledgeable and motivational. They have a high level of energy that just rubs off on all of us. I don’t know how they do it, but they have name recognition superpowers.

Jen has done a great job at providing tailored exercises that I can do in the facility as well as on my own at home. She has also supplied me with specific feedback on my weekly food logs and how I can incorporate more fruits & veggies into my diet. I’ve been inspired to buy a Ninja food processor to finely chop fruits and veggies for smoothies – spinach? What spinach? Hiding healthy foods into what might look like a shake is giving my body extra vitamins and nutrients.

The class leaders walk from station-to-station and give feedback on form for various exercises or instruction on how to use something properly. The fun music keeps us all energized. The staff is so nice, they simply make me happy to be there. Dylan even sang Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t Stop the Feeling” to me one day when he was on a mission to make me smile.

What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?

AFS makes working out in a group fun even though many of us are doing very individual exercises. Of course I wish I was making improvements quicker than I am, but I have received compliments from friends and colleagues that have noticed that I am getting more toned. Since working on specific areas to strengthen, I’ve started running again (cautiously) – I even ran in a 5k in June and walked in a 5 mile walk in August. I’ve also learned that I LOVE boxing – never would have thought that I’d end up buying my own boxing gloves! Through strength training, I’ve also improved my golf game – I’m hitting my drives much farther this summer!

Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?

You owe it to yourself to try it – get out of your comfort zone and try some new exercises. Have fun with the music and shout out a “woo hoo” whenever the feeling moves you! We are all in this together and the other classmates have been so friendly. Feeling strong is empowering!


Results to Date: Down 14lbs Fat Mass, and Down 4% Body Fat

Practitioner: Jen Kiser

Start Date: April, 2016

Molly, we’ve enjoyed getting to know you! Glad you found a love for boxing, we’ll be sure to watch out 😉

Want to make changes like Molly?

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