
Bob’s Adventures Outside of AFS!



How long have you been a client with AFS?

Two and a half years!

What changes have you noticed mentally and physically since starting?

I’ve noticed more flexibility and strength.  I’ve been a runner for almost 50 years which is great aerobically, but I never before found an enjoyable way to work on other things. People my age, 72, need to work on the whole body.  Mentally, I love the social aspect of AFS.  We’ve met people that we’ve become good friends with and its interesting to talk to people who are seeking the same goals. I love AFS!

How did you feel while climbing the mountain? After?

The high altitude didn’t bother me.  This is the 2nd 14,000 foot mountain I’ve summited in the last 2 years.  On the way up, I got out of breath more than in Michigan.  But at the top and on the way down, I didn’t notice the altitude at all.  Afterwards, no problems.

How did AFS help prepare you for the 14,000 ft climb?

With more flexibility and strength, it allows you to do more things and better.  Last summer we canoed in the Boundary Waters wilderness and the AFS helped more markedly with that:  canoeing, carrying gear, and setting up our tent.

So Bob, what’s next?!

Keeping up with AFS for one thing.  I might try Strength Solution.  My oldest son and I try to do one outdoor adventure each summer; we’re “debating” our next one.  I love the tall mountains, up and down is a specifically defined goal.  But we’re also talking about rim-to-rim in the Grand Canyon.



Client: Bob Roether

Practitioner: Chris Early

Start Date: January, 2014

Bob, over the past two years, we’ve enjoyed living through your journeys! Congrats on all of your successes!

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