
Mobility Solution: Mobility – Stability – Strength

Before we get started… Over the last few months you may have noticed the posters on our walls for our new class setting: Mobility Solution.   What exactly is this class and how could you benefit from it?    This is a question I think many clients have and one I will try to provide […]

Amazing Clients of AFS- Sarah and Deby!

  Sarah Morris and Deby Evans (mother and daughter) are an amazing duo! Sarah has been a client since March 2nd, 2013 and competed in approximately 15 triathlon’s. Deby since September 2nd, 2012 and has competed in approximately 18 triathlon’s!   How did you get into triathlon training? Sarah: My mother. She started with Triathlons and suggested […]

George’s Journey: Watching the numbers fall!

  What encouraged you to start with AFS? Late last year, my weight hit an all time high.  I had very little energy. I didn’t like the way I looked or felt.  At the same time, my friend John Birchler (a 2 time AFS success story!) told me about the great success that he was […]

How to mix up a routine workout!

I frequently get questions from clients on how to mix up their workouts. Sometimes it is good to think out of the box and do something different to help spice up a routine. Whether you are an outdoor/indoor person, runner, or have no equipment; there are always ways to help add variety. Change is good […]

Sarah’s Success: Make Yourself Your Biggest Fan!

  How did you hear about AFS? A friend of mine was always posting about it on Facebook, and it looked interesting. What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape? My kids are my main motivation.  When I started here I had a 3 month old daughter and an extremely active […]

Life Lessons From “That Guy Who Used To Be Fit”

I used to say, “If I ever own a gym, I’ll be in the best shape of my life!” I would think, “Dev, when you have your own place there is no excuse not to be one of the most fit people around?” Seemed to make perfect sense…I have all the equipment and knowledge I […]

Sheldon Says, “Strive To Be Happy!”

How did you hear about AFS? The first time that I heard about AFS was from another member. She was talking to my wife about how much she liked the program.  She was recommending it to my wife.  I really didn’t get it.  Then I ran into my neighbor (Nathan Senter) who had just started working […]

What’s Your Why?

To lose weight, increase muscle mass, “be fit” and “be healthy.” We have all mentioned these goals once or twice before.  Don’t get me wrong, these are fantastic goals to have, but they may not be the best to think about on a daily basis OR be the primary reason WHY we exercise.   As […]

Bailey’s Keys to Successful Lifestyle Change

Start slow and accept the fact that this is going to take TIME! The quote “Old habits die hard” is a very accurate statement… Making habitual changes to your lifestyle is going to take time. It is important that you accept this fact and prepare for the long haul. This means we have to start slow and gradually […]

Success Story: Patti

Patti needed a change. “I found myself 20 pounds heavier and very out of shape after I retired from my career in the healthcare field. At the age of 52, I was disappointed that I had reached this point because I had worked as a PA and I knew what I should have been doing. […]

Success Story: Jason

Jason stopped doubting himself and got to work. I was stuck in a vicious cycle. I would lose a little, then gain a little. I would lose, and then plateau. Last summer, I was volunteering at a summer camp for children with solid organ transplants. Seeing these kids who have gone through enormous medical hardships, […]

Success Story: Cindi

Cindi lost her spark, it was time to get it back. I was introduced to AFS by a friend. She was going to a reunion and wanted a gym buddy to support her quest for better health. I had always been an active person, especially since the nature of my profession requires a certain physical […]