
Holly’s Lifestyle Changes Led to Success!



How did you hear about AFS?

A coworker of mine mentioned it. Crazy that I didn’t know you guys were here, especially since I’ve been driving past it for over 9 years!

What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?

I was diagnosed with pre-cancer last September, and although it wasn’t cancer (yet), they wanted to do surgery. A week before my surgery, a docu-series called “The Truth About Cancer” was airing and after the second episode, I decided not to follow through with the surgery. In these episodes, they talked about how important diet and exercise were to beating and avoiding cancer. I immediately changed my diet, cutting out added sugars, processed foods, and junk food. I then started incorporating more fruits and veggies. Seems so simple, no matter how many times we’ve heard this in our lives, but eat more fruits and veggies! By the end of the year, I had only lost about 10 lbs and decided I needed to add exercise to my life! So in January, I began looking into gym memberships!

What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?

I liked the idea of a group class along with a certified trainer there to make sure the exercises were being done correctly. I also liked that it was only an hour and there’s no putzing around – you start and end on time and you’re done!

How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?

By working out (on average) twice a week along with my diet – which I don’t like to call a diet – it’s a lifestyle!

What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?

I feel so much better not carrying that extra weight around! I feel and look healthier. And what was exciting was having to go out and buy new clothes!

Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?

Whether it’s 10 or 50 pounds you want to lose, I recommend changing what you eat too. Don’t look at it as a diet; look at it as a lifestyle change. Stick to the changes you’ve made even after you’ve hit your goal!


Results to Date: Down 23 lbs Fat Mass and Down 11% Body Fat

Practitioner: Kemper Sosa

Start Date: January, 2016

Holly, although we wish you would’ve found us 9 years ago, it’s never too late to make change!

Want to make changes like Holly?

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