
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Amazing AFS Clients- John Birchler

Name: John Birchler Practitioner: Brooke McCartney Results to Date: Down 37 pounds, down 15% body fat, and down 20.25 inches overall How long have you been a client with AFS? I’ve been a client since May 15, 2015. That life-changing

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Meet Ben and Dylan!

Ben Brinkerhoff- Group Strength Assistant My name is Ben, I am 20 years old and have lived in ann arbor since I was 7.  I played lacrosse, football and I wrestled growing up at Skyline High School. I continued to

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AFS Announces First 30 Minute Class

It’s important to our entire organization that we’re constantly innovating and providing our clients an experience that addresses their needs. Over the past few years we’ve introduced a lot of back-end systems to improve the AFS experience (new software for client-trainer

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Meet New Clients September & Davie!

Meet September London-Cramer! She started last month! What motivates you to come to class? The accomplished feeling that I get after class is what motivates me to come. Working out in the morning sets my day up for success and

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New Client Davie Campbell

Meet Davie Campbell!  She just started with us last month! What motivates you to come to class? I think the fact that the classes are fun and different would be my main motivator. The gym members and instructors are friendly

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Amazing AFS Clients- Anna Brock

Name: Anna Brock Practitioner: Chris Eskin Results to date: Down 95lbs and 65 inches! How long have you been a client with AFS? I think I started on 4/28/15 What do you look forward to the most when coming to

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Meet Ellie and Mary!

Ellie Candiotti- Admin Staff Hometown: Saline, MI A bit about me: I recently graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. Yes I did suffer through the green and white to receive my diploma. (I bleed

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A Trainer’s Letter to My Past Self

             Dear Hot Shot Fitness Pro, I sit here today writing you as a 6 year veteran in the fitness industry. Admittedly that’s not even a decade, but It’s remarkable how much I’ve learned in the short time

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Special Tree Rehabilitation visits AFS Plymouth

What a Blast! On Monday, March 14th we hosted an exclusive “Fitness Field Trip” class for the wonderful team from Special Tree Rehabilitation! They worked hard and didn’t stop smiling the whole time 🙂 Thanks to these wonderful women for

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Success Story- Jason Davis

Name: Jason Davis Practitioner: Sawyer Paull-Baird Start Date: 9/8/2015 Results to Date: Down 58 lbs, down 14% body fat, lost 34 inches 1. How did you hear about AFS? I went online and was searching personal trainers in the Ann

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Active Against ALS visits AFS

What an amazing group! On Saturday, March 12th we hosted Ann Arbor Active Against ALS for a charity benefit class. Each of these brave and giving individuals took time on a Saturday to come to our facility and burn calories

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Success Story- Mike Ritter

Name: Mike Ritter Practitioner: Brooke McCartney Start Date: 6/22/15 Results to Date: Down 40.5 lbs, down 43 lbs of fat mass, lost 24 inches 1. How did you hear about AFS? I, like many, drive past AFS everyday on my

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