
Success Story-Kathy Gosney


Bailey & kathy

Name: Kathy Gosney

Practitioner: Bailey Paull-Baird

Start Date: October 12th, 2015

Results to Date: Down 30lbs of Fat Mass, and down 8.5% Body Fat

How did you hear about AFS?
I’m a Hairdresser in Downtown Plymouth, I saw your Grand Opening on The Chamber of Commerce FB page, followed y’all on FB, drove past on my way to work. Then while at work, I heard a client in another stylists chair rave about y’alls approach! I was SO ready, so I stopped in! I have tried it all, so y’all were just what I was looking for 🙂

What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?
Well I couldn’t keep making excuses, I have struggled with my fitness and weight my whole life. Getting older is not my friend. My clothes weren’t fitting, and I couldn’t keep talking negatively, so in short I inspired myself! Gaining 40 lbs helped…Ugh
I was overweight even before gaining that and boy will that inspire!

What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?
I have to say, when I overheard someone talk about y’alls approach, workouts that are challenging with trainers (Fitness Practitioners) that keep you challenged and hold you accountable, I signed up because it seemed like a no brainer! I was ready and y’all offered so much for my money. What a value, nothing like it! Again I’ve tried it all!

How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?
I would have to say the program. Bailey, my practitioner (love him), encourages me to keep up with my food logs, keep my protein where it needs to be, but always make it seem manageable. Also making my workouts a priority. I put them in my schedule and get it done!

What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?
I have lost about 25-30lbs depending on the day, vacation, or birthday LOL! Along with gaining more flexibility and strength. My job is very physical, I’m 51, I love what I do, it’s been 30 years behind the chair. I need to be strong, and I’m feeling strong! I feel in control.

Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?
Food logging is my friend, it makes me aware. Knowledge is power! Don’t get me wrong, I blow it all the time, but getting back on track seems natural. Maybe not easy, but simple! Just walk in the door, log on to the Food Log app, take the steps. Also there are so many great people in the classes, I have met some incredible encouragers while working out. When someone says “You got this!” “Keep going!” and then gives you a high five when you plank and held it, nothing beats it! The practitioners in the classes are clearly not only educated, but trained to know what the needs of the members are! It could be your first class and you’re nervous, or just asking how your vacation was! At one point, I had an injury outside of AFS, they made sure I had a safe and challenging workout. I’m a Fan. I look forward to achieving my next goal!

Kathy, you kill it in class! YOU help encourage others and are such an inspiration! 🙂

Want more info on Kathy’s program?

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