
Dave Rhodes Success Story

  How did you hear about AFS? AFS did a presentation at Cequent Performance Products when they opened the Plymouth location.  I was unable to attend as I was travelling but the reaction that some of my co-workers had made me look into it more.  I talked to a neighbor who also was going to […]

The Three “S” Words to Consider Before Starting a New Diet

If you’ve ever tried to make a change to your diet, you know it’s hard, very hard, and sometimes it even seems impossible…Even though the lady in the stock image above makes it seem wonderful..Seriously, that blissful gaze? That better be ice cream she’s holding 😉 The truth is that in the quest for better […]

For Our Dads

Dear Dad, You taught me so much throughout my life, from how to repair things around the house/car to deeper lessons like patience and that kindness goes a long way.  However, the biggest life lesson that I have learned from my father (and one that I still practice on a daily basis) is to always do the right thing whether it […]

Sara Pebbles Success Story

How did you hear about AFS? Before AFS opened I drove by the building every day and saw people working on it. I started asking around to see if anyone knew what the “building with blue” was and eventually when the sign went up I checked them out online. What/Who inspired you to take the […]

Business Owner Profile

Business Name: Applied Fitness Solutions In operation since: Feb 2015 Owner: Devin Tarrant Owner Bio: After graduating in 2010, Devin was one of the founding team members of AFS’ original Ann Arbor location. Devin was instrumental in the development of the business as it grew each year. He excelled as a Fitness Practitioner for five years before […]

Andrea’s New Motto: Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone!

    How did you hear about AFS? I learned about AFS when AFS posts kept popping up in my Facebook Feed. It was a sign! I called and set up an appointment. What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape? Over the past few years I stopped taking care of […]

Meet our new Interns!

Bhillie Luciani- Intern- Ann Arbor Hometown: Kamuela, HI I’m from Kamuela on the Big Island of Hawaii. I swam and played water polo competitively and then came to Michigan to play water polo. When I got here, I sport-hopped and joined the rowing team. Now I’m just doing my own thing and I’ll be going into my […]

Success Story- Marisa Liedeke

Name: Marisa Liedeke Practitioner: Jen Fuller Start Date: May 28th, 2015 Results to Date: Down 22lbs of Fat Mass, and down 10% Body Fat How did you hear about AFS? Offered through NuStep’s wellness program to employees. What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape? Nothing was working for me. I was […]

Meet Beth and Sheryl!

Meet Sheryl Carvill! She started last month! What motivates you to come to class? I know that if I put the effort in, I will see and feel results.  It’s also empowering to accomplish something that I didn’t think I could do or to have something that was difficult become easier. What excites you most […]

Amazing AFS Clients- Hanah Wilkins

Name: Hanah Wilkins Practitioner: Kemper Sosa Results to Date: Down 20 pounds, down 10% body fat, and down 12 inches overall How long have you been a client with AFS? I started with AFS on January 1, 2016. I’ve always been active having grown up participating in all kinds of sports. But the last two years my work life […]

Paul Depalma Success Story

Name: Paul Depalma Practitioner: Bailey Paull-Baird Start Date: Oct. 22nd, 2015 Results to Date: Down 16lbs of Fat Mass, and up 12lbs of Lean Mass How did you hear about AFS? I live and work in Plymouth, so I had driven by many times. The name sounded intriguing and unlike other gyms, so I visited the website and […]

The Pillars of Willpower Part 1

“I know what I need to do, I just need to do it”. I have spoken those words before, you have spoken those words before, and as a Fitness Practitioner they probably make the list of the top 3 things we most commonly hear from our clients… and it makes complete, resounding sense. In the […]