
Athlete Success Story: Jake

What motivated you to start at AFS and how did you hear about us? I started AFS when I was a sophomore in high school, I was on the basketball team and during our lifting sessions I noticed that I was really not on the same level as some of my other teammates. I wanted […]

Special Workshop: Lifting Weights… to Tone Up?

You’re looking to tone up, so you head straight for the… squat rack? When you think of lifting weights, you might get the picture in your head of a massively sweaty guy in the corner of your local gym pumping out reps of an exercise with weight you wouldn’t dare look at in fear of […]

The Consequence of Over-Competition

How America’s Love For Competition is Costing Young Athletes As a strength coach that works with countless athletes I have a unique perspective on the off season. I understand the tens of thousands of hours of practice, and the millions upon millions of reps that go into preparing an athlete for their big moment that […]

Athlete Performance Workshop 7/25/17

Join us for an informative Athlete Performance Workshop Tuesday, July 25th at 6:30 pm Presented by:  Applied Fitness Solutions  1136 S. Rochester Rd. Rochester, MI 48307 Parents, coaches, and athletes will learn best practices for long-term athlete development as well as what they can do this summer to elevate their game. Topics will include: Proper progressions for maximizing performance (speed, […]

Saturday Summer Pop-Up! (7/8/17)

Pop-In For the Charity Pop-Up Workout! Pop-Up Workout: A short notice, weather permitting, calorie burning, sweat dripping good time.  Take It to the Streets! Don’t sit on the sidelines this summer! Get in on the action and get outside with us this Saturday morning for FREE! We’re running a 60-minute full body circuit workout with […]

Speed, Quickness, and Agility

Speed, Quickness, and Agility (SQA) The AFS SQA program is designed to teach and improve movement skills associated with sport. Athletes are taught the fundamental mechanics of basic linear, lateral, and backward movements. These fundamentals are then progressed into more intensive drills to challenge each athlete at his or her own level. A major emphasis […]

Meet Our Team

  John Peters Front Desk Since May 2017 Hometown: Rochester Hills, MI What Got you into Fitness? What got me into the fitness industry was my love for sports as well as my recently discovered passion for getting in shape. I felt that if I placed myself in a position where I could help others […]

“I’m 40… Why Can’t I Lose Weight!?” AFS- Ann Arbor Lecture

As we age, it becomes much more difficult to stay in shape…  Around 40 years old, you may begin to ask yourself, “why is it so hard to lose weight now!?” You’re not doing anything differently, but for some reason, the pounds come on easier and seemingly never come off. There are many factors involved […]

Saturday Summer Pop-Up 7/1!

Pop-In For the Charity Pop-Up Workout! Pop-Up Workout: A short notice, weather permitting, calorie burning, sweat dripping good time.  Take It to the Streets! Our first AFS pop-up workout was a BLAST and it’s looking like the weather is finally ready to let us do it again! Join us for a FREE outdoor pop-up workout […]

Eat.Fit.Be.Fit – 4th of July Party Favors

On July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies claimed their independence from England, an event which eventually led to the formation of the United States. Each year on July 4th, also known as Independence Day, Americans celebrate this historic event. This time in history is currently spent celebrating through fireworks, BBQ’s, and red white and blue […]

Meet Our Team: Liv

Liv is one of the athletes of the AFS family; as a guard on the varsity team at University of Michigan-Dearborn, Liv’s a senior who’s going for her Bachelor’s of Arts in Criminal Justice–but she also wants to get a Kinesiology afterwards. As an integral part of the front desk management team, Liv’s responsible for […]

  Somewhere between 95% and 97% of people fail to maintain their weight loss long term.  Our goal at AFS is to make long term weight loss much more attainable and greatly reduce these depressing weight loss statistics — to help you lose weight, and keep that weight off for good.   While there are […]