
Eat.Fit.Be.Fit – Fall Favorites!

Holy moly is it ever cold out this morning! I broke down and turned my heat on after Siri told me it was 28 degrees outside! My fingers are icicles as I type, but rest assured, this is going to warm them right up! To warm you guys up to the wonderful week I have […]

STOPPING THE MADNESS: The Secrets To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever

Free yourself rom calorie obsession. Look great, feel even better. Start loving life. The fitness world is full of information (and misinformation) on what you should be doing to lose weight and look your best, but where do you even begin? As someone who may not know everything there is to know about the human body, the […]

AFS Pricing Change & Unlimited WLS Option

Innovation Initiatives As mentioned previously, continuing cutting-edge innovation is a significant element to ensuring you have the best client experience possible. In 2017 we successfully launched several initiatives to serve you better. Most significantly we: (1) launched our mobile app to allow for better communication with your practitioner, (2) integrated the InBody body composition analysis […]

AFS Plymouth Small Group Classes

We believe that doing our workouts in a group helps foster a supportive, motivating environment for our clients. But sometimes, being a group can be pretty intimidating (lots of people, working out when you’re not used to it, loud music, etc.), we get it. That’s why we want to offer you the opportunity to do […]

Eat.Fit.Be.Fit. – Fall Favorites! Slow Cooker Turkey Chili

Wow. While I have taken a bit of a hiatus from blogging for the last couple of months, I have really grown to miss the putting together of blogs to share with all of you. It wasn’t the same prepping food, just to put it in containers to be eaten throughout the week. There has […]

Eat.Fit.Be.Fit – Fall Turkey Chili

Wow. While I took a hiatus from sending blog posts weekly, it really made me miss the story that always went behind my meal prep. It just wasn’t the same, prepping food with no back story to go along with it to share with all of you! So here is the story behind my meal […]

Meet Our Team

Cody Mikuska Agent Of Change Since 2017 Hometown: Newberry, MI What got you into fitness? Being overweight when I was younger. When I started to play basketball and lose weight my overall confidence grew so I added in weight lifting as well.   Who’s your biggest inspiration? Captain America because he always knows right from […]

Meet Our Team

James Digan Intake Manager – AFS Rochester Agent of Change Since 2017 Hometown: Rochdale, UK About Me I jumped into fitness and health at a very early age playing sports. Growing up I was a part of any team I possibly could from soccer, rugby (the one with the bigger football), cricket (even slower baseball) […]

Success Story: Nicole A.

What motivated you to start at AFS and how did you hear about us? Some friends of friends had gone to AFS and had been pretty successful. I had started working out on my own but wanted to take things up to the next level. What kept you coming back to AFS? I really like […]

Meet Our Staff – Trevor P.

Trevor Plummer Agent Of Change Since 2017 Hometown: Garden City, MI What got you into fitness? I have always been physically active growing up, playing multiple different sports, but my main focus through high school was soccer. I played 3 years of varsity soccer. After high school, I wanted to continue playing soccer, but after one semester […]

Moms Don’t Need Motivation

Hello, I’m Nate and I have a fun job. I meet people for a living! Well, I don’t just meet people; I engage with them, I listen to them, I get to know the things they hold near and dear to their hearts, the things that scare them, the things they aspire to be, and […]