
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Inspiring Client Stories

If you’re like us, you’ve been glued to the TV and probably staying up too late this week watching Olympic events and rooting for your favorite world class athletes! In honor of the amazing triumphs at the 2016 Rio Olympics,

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4 Blogs We Follow and You Should Too

Today’s blog is probably long overdue, it just took a question from one of our clients that triggered me to get it out to you guys. I was talking with a client this morning who mentioned to me that she

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The Pillars of Willpower Part 2

“I know what I need to do, I just need to do it”. In part one of this blog we discussed the idea of willpower, and how people tend to place immense value, in addition to their own sense of

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Pokémon Go: A Trainer’s Take

What exactly is it? Ok, so first things first. Surely many of our readers are seeing the headlines but might not have a full grasp of what exactly this game is or what the interface is like. Pokémon Go or

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Success Story: Ashley

Ashley Makes Change Inside and Out! How did you hear about AFS? Alex Evans, one of my very best friends, attended AFS in Ann Arbor prior to the opening of the Plymouth location. When Plymouth was getting ready to launch,

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