
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Success Story: Michelle Riggs

Michelle’s mentality determines her success. I was introduced to AFS by my friend, Shawn Szalay. She encouraged me to give it a try since she was seeing great results. Since I’ve started, I feel so much better mentally and physically. The

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How to mix up a routine workout!

I frequently get questions from clients on how to mix up their workouts. Sometimes it is good to think out of the box and do something different to help spice up a routine. Whether you are an outdoor/indoor person, runner,

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Amazing Clients of AFS- Sarah and Deby!

  Sarah Morris and Deby Evans (mother and daughter) are an amazing duo! Sarah has been a client since March 2nd, 2013 and competed in approximately 15 triathlon’s. Deby since September 2nd, 2012 and has competed in approximately 18 triathlon’s!  

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AFS Client Showcase: Kimberly and Reagan!

Meet Kimberly Lang! She started in July! What motivates you to come to class? I like hiking. A lot, actually. When I lived in Colorado, a day off of work was often spent walking a trail somewhere. Since moving back east,

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Bailey’s Keys to Successful Lifestyle Change

Start slow and accept the fact that this is going to take TIME! The quote “Old habits die hard” is a very accurate statement… Making habitual changes to your lifestyle is going to take time. It is important that you accept this

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What’s Your Why?

To lose weight, increase muscle mass, “be fit” and “be healthy.” We have all mentioned these goals once or twice before.  Don’t get me wrong, these are fantastic goals to have, but they may not be the best to think

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Sheldon Says, “Strive To Be Happy!”

How did you hear about AFS? The first time that I heard about AFS was from another member. She was talking to my wife about how much she liked the program.  She was recommending it to my wife.  I really

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