
Meet Our Ann Arbor Team

Mary Gilleland Agent of Change Since January 2016 Hometown: Milwaukee, WI What Got you into Fitness? I have been doing Crossfit for 13 years and I’m really passionate about it and can’t get enough! Who Is Your Biggest Inspiration? Julie Foucher, who is an American CrossFit athlete and has competed in the CrossFit games four […]

Veggie Month: Zucchini Soup

Zucchini, tomatoes, and summer squash, OH MY!   When I think of summer I think of zucchini soup. I know its not the most traditional summer dish, so let me explain. My Father made this dish on many summer nights with fresh veggies from our garden. While he detests soup, he loves zucchini soup! There is […]

Eat.Fit.Be.Fit – Clean Hobo Dinner

I am going to warn you all right now that I am totally & 100% obsessed with tin foil dinners. This recent obsession with tin foil dinners is really just a rediscovery. My mom made a very traditional tin foil dinner every few weeks for us growing up, more of the meat and potatoes “hobo style” tin […]

Utilizing Your Fitness Coach

Utilizing Your Fitness Coach It sounds like a simple concept, right? Contrary to what you may think, there are actually a lot of clients that don’t take advantage of all that we coaches can provide to clients to help build them up and reach the goals we set in place. Let me tell you, we want you […]

Success Story: Alyssa Mitchell

What motivated you to get started at AFS? What motivated me to start at AFS was getting into a car accident in 2015, then undergoing spinal surgery in 2016. So many of the months following both of those events led me to extended stays in hospitals and constant rounds of steroids, causing my weight to […]

Featured Client: Danielle Stephens

What motivated you to start at AFS? Until last year, I never considered my fitness to be a priority. See, here’s the thing: I’ve always hated the way I looked and the way I felt when I looked in a mirror. In my mind, being skinny was more important than being healthy, so my relationship […]

Veggie Month: Scrumptious Salad

The temps are supposed to reach 80 degrees today which has me thinking…Summer! The summer season is the perfect time to try some fresh new salad recipes and I have a sweet and subtle favorite on deck for you today 🙂 My Mom taught me how to make it a few years ago. She actually […]

Eat.Fit.Be.Fit. – Breakfast of Champions

Many, many mornings I wake up and think, man, I only have time for something quick. What do I have? Hmmmm (rummaging through my pantry and fridge) NOTHING. Alright, egg whites it is…again…Who else is tired of this morning routine? What might be your other go-to’s? As I was searching around Pinterest (as you will so […]

Dear Mom…

Mom, thank you so much for always loving me, supporting me, and showing me how to be a good person. I love you very much.  

Dear Mom…

We want to give a HUGE thank you to all the mothers out there that make us all who we are… Happy Mother’s Day 🙂 Dear Mom… Thank you so much for always loving me, supporting me, and showing me how to be a good person. I love you very much. -Bailey I cannot imagine […]

Don’t Be a Stranger This Summer

It’s that time of the year again!   The weather has finally begun to turn and Michiganders flock outdoors to get our fill of it while it lasts.  We all know how brief these beautiful spring and summer months can be.  It is a wonderful time of the year, and if you’re anything like me, […]

Success Story: Kathy B.

Strength Class

When I first started at AFS, I was newly single and wanted to feel better about myself. I didn’t like the person in the mirror anymore—it was like I was a ghost of myself, and with all the change already occurring, what was one more? It was time that I prioritized my life and put […]