
Success Story: Patty V.

What motivated you to start at AFS? I needed to start an exercise regime, as I had been too sedentary in my life.  Work and family were always the first things I focused on and I never spent time doing something for myself. I was always tired and was feeling the physical effects of not […]

Meet Our Team: Nick Holshoe, Strength Instructor

You’ll catch Nick somewhere in the depths of the Strength Solutions room, helping clients with the nitty gritty details of their form and showing everyone that weights are nothing to fear! Strength Instructor Since: May 2016 College: Concordia University Hometown: Hopkins, MI Danny: I’m going to start off with the basics… what got you into […]

Save Time. Save Money. Get Peace of Mind: Skip the MRI

Even if you don’t follow golf, you may have heard that Tiger Woods has undergone his fourth back surgery in four years. You’d think if the problem was identified by MRI and considered correctable by surgical procedure it would have worked for him the first time. Or second. Even third. But no, he needs a […]

Missing Pieces

  Ashley Solomon was a member of our AFS family. She worked for AFS when we were still operating from a small storage unit in Ann Arbor and can be easily described as the inspiration for pretty much every one of our core values. Humility, Empathy, Joy, any of those could be her middle name. […]

Blues Fest Charity Class

Clients/Friends- This Saturday at 2pm we will be hosting a benefit class for the Ann Arbor Blues Festival!  The world’s first electric blues festival was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan in August 1969 and it ran fairly consistently through 2006.  A client of ours recently took it upon himself to bring it back =). More […]

Eat.Fit.Be.Fit. – Turkey Taco Casserole

Good Afternoon lovelies! This week, I wanted to take a twist on my post, and give a little bit more of a spin on a good recipe made great. A lot of us go searching around Pinterest trying to find THE recipe, and when something reads healthy or low calorie we are immediately intrigued and give […]

Ozone House Garage Sale

Come Buy Some Stuff For a Good Cause! Sat. July 29th 9-3pm & Sun. July 30th 12-5pm AFS is hosting our first ever garage sale at the end of the month and we’re donating 100% of the proceeds to our friends at Ozone House! Location 1127 W. Huron Street (Across from Salvation Army) Get Involved! AFS […]

Eat.Fit.Be.Fit – Italian Chicken and Veggies

Another week in the life of Jen. Man, I just can’t believe how quickly this summer has flown by! It seems like just yesterday we had snow, rain, sleet, and sub optimal temperatures, and now, it’s taking every ounce of will power I have in me not to go get an ice cream waffle cone […]

The Addiction to “Absolutes” and Why It’s Ruining Your Fitness

Content. Have you heard this word lately? I share a wall with our marketing guy and I feel like I hear him say it to his team about 30 times a day. Not the definition that means “happy” or “at peace.” The other definition. The one marketing people use now. For Nate, it means making […]

Athlete Success Story: Samantha A.

How Did You Find AFS? I attended a free seminar that was offered to members of Unified Volleyball, the volleyball club I coach for. There they talked about how their program would help reduce injuries and improve athlete performance by targeting each individual’s weak areas. I enjoy working out on my own, but some professional, […]

Eat.Fit.Be.Fit – Balsamic Chicken and Veggies

I need to apologize first and foremost, as I missed a week of sharing goodies with all of you faithful readers out there! Last week was full of weddings and traveling for this girl, and hubby got a new job so we were adjusting to his new schedule. Crazy wonderful happenings in the Kiser household! […]

Meet Our Amazing Client: Andrea

Where to begin? Some amazing AFS staff members reached out to me and asked me to share a little about my story. Not gonna lie, I freaked out for a hot second…I mean…really? Why me?? How do I put my journey in print??? F’n difficult mission! I started my fitness journey 12 years ago, at […]