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Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Success Story (Ann Arbor)

Name: Cindi Ruhl Start Date:  3/4/2013 Fitness Practitioner: Jen Fuller Results To Date: 26 lbs of fat lost and down 15% body fat I was introduced to AFS by a friend. She was going to a reunion and wanted a gym buddy to

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Success Story (Ann Arbor)

Names: Paul and Ying Tsai Start Date: 8/4/2014 Fitness Practitioner: Carli Taylor Results To Date: Combined have lost a total of 38 lbs of fat mass, 19% body fat 1) How did you hear about AFS? Kevin Ackley, who we

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Meet Our New Employees!

Claire Trapp- Intern Hometown: South Haven, MI A bit about you: I played soccer my whole kid life. I absolutely love hot weather, I don’t even mind humidity. I grew up ridding horses and playing outside. Both my parents are

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Client Success (Plymouth)

Name: Khalil Kandah Start Date:  4/1/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Chris Eskin Results To Date: 20lbs of fat lost this summer  1) How did you hear about AFS? I used to work out at the Bally’s before AFS took over the location this past

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Client Success (Ann Arbor)

Name: Jane Callegari Start Date: 1/23/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Jen Fuller Results To Date: 21lbs of fat lost, down 10% body fat 1) How did you hear about AFS? I heard about AFS through my friends/colleagues-Judy Ivacko and Jodi Fichera. 2)

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Client Success (Plymouth)

Name: Melissa Behnan Start Date:  6/16/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Chris Eskin Results To Date: 15lbs of fat lost, 3lbs of lean mass gained in 43 days  1) How did you hear about AFS? A friend of mine made multiple posts on Facebook about

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Client Success (Plymouth)

Name: Alex Evans Start Date:  1/8/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Devin Tarrant Results To Date: 11lbs of fat lost, 2lbs of lean mass gained  1) How did you hear about AFS? I learned of AFS when I was looking for a workout program online

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Client Success (Plymouth)

Name: Jacqueline Pluta Start Date:  1/8/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Devin Tarrant Results To Date: 11lbs of fat lost, 2lbs of lean mass gained  1) How did you hear about AFS? I had several co-workers in Ann Arbor that had been attending AFS for

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Client Success Update (Ann Arbor)

Name: Deb Martin Start Date:  12/17/2014 Fitness Practitioner: Kemper Sosa Results To Date: 24lbs of fat lost and down 13% body fat  1) How did you hear about AFS? Over the course of about a year I kept hearing a

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Client Success Update (Plymouth)

Name: Jen Cheetam Start Date:  2/10/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Devin Tarrant Results To Date: 15lbs of fat lost, 7lbs of lean mass gained  1) How did you hear about AFS? From a friend’s friend who works out at the Ann Arbor location in

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Client Success Update (Plymouth)

Name: Cheryl Dehn Start Date:  4/2/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Devin Tarrant Results To Date: 22lbs of fat lost, 4lbs of lean mass gained  1) How did you hear about AFS? My friend Chrissy had been at AFS-AA for several years and when

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Client Success (Ann Arbor)

Name: Angela Klein Start Date:  6/13/2014 Fitness Practitioner: Jared Freeman Results:Body fat went from 24% to %14 in first 3 months. Has maintained ever since.  1) How did you hear about AFS? I was desperate to get in shape and

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