Mental Toughness
It’s getting hot out, the miles are starting to build, your body is starting to hurt, and you might be starting to think to yourself, “Is this all worth it?” If this sounds like where you are with your race
It’s getting hot out, the miles are starting to build, your body is starting to hurt, and you might be starting to think to yourself, “Is this all worth it?” If this sounds like where you are with your race
Listen to just about anyone over the age of 40, and they will tell you that something happens to your metabolism as you age. Somehow it magically seems to slow down in this transitional year from 39 to 40. Well,
When most people decide they want to shed a few pounds the first thing that pops into their head is; I NEED TO START RUNNING. Jogging 3 miles 2-3 times per week is the normal routine most people undertake to
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is becoming an increasingly popular way to perform cardiovascular exercise, and for good reason. Recent research suggests interval training improves aerobic fitness to a greater extent than traditional steady-state cardio (SSC), and it also results
If I’ve been asked once, I’ve been asked 1000 times: “Is this exercise GOOD for me?” “How about this machine, is it GOOD for me…should I use it?” The reality is there aren’t any “good” or “bad” exercises; it’s all
An action packed winter is finally behind us here at AFS! As a congratulations to myself for making it through, I recently took a short vacation to Tampa Bay, Florida for some rest, relaxation, and (inevitably for me) some sunburn.
“Bonk,” “Hit the Wall,” “Run out of Gas.” Whatever you call it, it’s the point that is every runner’s worst fear. You’re going along; feeling great, doing great and then all of a sudden it hits you, quite literally like
Intermittent fasting (IF) is the newest diet making waves in the fitness industry. IF occurs in multiple forms with each “expert” putting their own twist on the diet. Some proponents suggest alternating between “feed days” and “fast days” while other
Every athlete wants to run faster. That’s the goal of any sport. Beat your opponent to the ball, to the spot, or across the finish line. The sport that embodies this more than any other is running, where straight-line speed
Every athlete wants to run faster; that’s the goal of any sport, to be faster than your opponent. Beat your opponent to the ball, to the spot, or across the finish line. The sport that embodies this more than any
Although the temperature gauge on your dashboard may not agree, spring is here! In Michigan this is when we make our last ditch efforts to lose that winter weight. Now, you don’t have much time to get the results you
The elimination diet, once used as an effective dietary intervention to determine food allergies, has now turned into something it was never meant to be – a weight loss tool. The concept of an elimination diet is simple. Eliminate an
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