
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Success Story- Kyle Walton

Name: Kyle Walton Start Date: July 2015 Fitness Practitioner: Jen Fuller Results To Date: 23 lbs of fat mass lost, down 8% body fat 1) How did you hear about AFS? I had been working out for a while on my

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Success Story- Briana Sprague

  Name: Briana Sprague Fitness Practitioner: Chris Eskin Start Date: March 2nd 2015 Results to Date: Lost 20lbs of fat, gained 4.6lbs of lean muscle 1.)  How did you hear about AFS? I would drive by the property nearly every day…often

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Template ?s for Amazing Clients of AFS

Introduce interesting element to that person How long have you been a client with AFS? What do you look forward to the most when coming to AFS? What has been the most rewarding part? What keeps you going/keeps you motivated?

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Success Story- Paul Moore

Client Name: Paul Moore Practitioner: Devin Tarrant Results to Date: Lost 53lbs 1) How did you hear about AFS? Facebook.  Either one of my friends had liked AFS or there was an ad for the Plymouth location that was opening up.

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Conquering 60

  Family History The medical markers for my family (the LeDucs) is low HDL (healthy cholesterol). In 1991, my dad blew a hole in his heart the size of a dime–he was not supposed to make it off the table,

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Success Story- Ann Latowski

Name: Ann Latowski Start Date: July 2015 Fitness Practitioner: Sawyer Paull-Baird Results To Date: 20 lbs of fat mass lost, down 9% body fat 1) How did you hear about AFS? Mike Stack came and presented a lecture for NuStep employees. 2) What/Who inspired

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Dear Bully: Thank You

Growing up I was pretty active with sports, soccer/swimming/karate/ gymnastics, I tried them all. I was pretty active and social as a young kid, always getting in trouble for talking during class and making new friends. In second and third

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Success Story- Wendy White

Name: Wendy White Fitness Practitioner: Brooke McCartney Start Date: August 10th, 2015 Results to Date: lost 19lbs of fat in 3 months! 1) How did you hear about AFS?   I heard about AFS from two of my co-workers, Corina

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Success Story-Patti Thibodeau

Name: Patti Thibodeau Start Date: June 2015 Fitness Practitioner: Chris Eskin Results to Date: Lost 25lbs of Fat, Gained 9lbs of Muscle 1) How did you hear about AFS? I searched online for “Applied Fitness Solutions” after seeing the sign

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Success Story-Kelly Doherty

  Name: Kelly Doherty Start: June 29th 2015 Fitness Practitioner: Brooke McCartney Results to Date: Lost 17.5lbs of fat mass, and gained 2.5lbs of lean mass 1) How did you hear about AFS? My friend and coworker, Kimberly, talked about

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Post Exercise Massage: More Than a Luxury

Massage Therapy is a practice that is gaining more attention in both the fitness and the medical field. It’s no longer simply a way to “spoil yourself” while on vacation. Massage therapy has grown in leaps and bounds in its

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