
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches


FRESH, SIMPLE, HOME COOKED ITALIAN Italian Encrusted White Fish w/Cipollini Tomato Salsa   The fish is succulent, flaky, and done just right. We enjoyed the cipollini tomato salsa immensely, the perfect mix of sweet and savory. Round it out with

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Success Story: Cindi

Cindi lost her spark, it was time to get it back. I was introduced to AFS by a friend. She was going to a reunion and wanted a gym buddy to support her quest for better health. I had always

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Success Story: Jason

Jason stopped doubting himself and got to work. I was stuck in a vicious cycle. I would lose a little, then gain a little. I would lose, and then plateau. Last summer, I was volunteering at a summer camp for

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Success Story: Patti

Patti needed a change. “I found myself 20 pounds heavier and very out of shape after I retired from my career in the healthcare field. At the age of 52, I was disappointed that I had reached this point because

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Success Starts with the Mind

Wake up, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, drive to work: a common pre-work experience most people do almost unconsciously every day until they have to get to work and start being productive (hopefully). Unless your life is unpredictable every day,

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Jen’s Tailgating Tips

As we are full swing into football season, and we all know what that means. TAILGATES, FOOTBALL GAMES, SUPERBOWL PARTIES, etc. We all have our favorite college and pro teams, and we enjoy a social gathering (or two) to spread

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Healthy Tailgating Recipes

Caprese Salad Ingredients 1 (10-ounce) box of grape tomatoes, quartered (or cherry tomatoes, halved). 4 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese, cubed 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves (I used about 25 leaves), torn 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar Salt,

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Core Stabilization

The term “core stabilization” is thrown around with reckless abandon within the contemporary fitness landscape with little regard for what it truly is and why it is important. When I say core stabilization, or core strength, what do you automatically

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Success Story: Sarah

A facebook post leads Sarah to Success How did you hear about AFS? A friend of mine was always posting about it on Facebook, and it looked interesting. What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?

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Bob’s Adventures Outside of AFS!

How long have you been a client with AFS? Two and a half years! What changes have you noticed mentally and physically since starting? I’ve noticed more flexibility and strength.  I’ve been a runner for almost 50 years which is great aerobically, but I

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