I must first tell you all as you’re probably watching my video for this week, you’re probably wondering how in one frame I had bare hands, and the next BOOM. Butterfly tape. Today was a day that coach Jen almost
So I know what you’re thinking, Jen why Americanized Chicken Shawarma? Okay, so I looked up what an actual Shawarma was, and WOW. Not at all what I had anticipated to see. I always hear everyone rave about how much
 How Did You Find AFS? Peri: My lovely wife was following the grand opening via Facebook, so I figured I would check it out with her. Patty: I found AFS by accident on Facebook as a new gym that
         “This week my energy is at an all time low. The heat is getting to me, the summer is almost gone, and miscellaneous appointments and errands to run just never seem to end. I have felt a little overwhelmed by
Even if you don’t follow golf, you may have heard that Tiger Woods has undergone his fourth back surgery in four years. You’d think if the problem was identified by MRI and considered correctable by surgical procedure it would have
You’ll catch Nick somewhere in the depths of the Strength Solutions room, helping clients with the nitty gritty details of their form and showing everyone that weights are nothing to fear! Strength Instructor Since: May 2016 College: Concordia University Hometown:
What motivated you to start at AFS? I needed to start an exercise regime, as I had been too sedentary in my life. Â Work and family were always the first things I focused on and I never spent time doing
The best way to start my day off is a date outside with these beings. I am obsessed with them to put it lightly. These pups are my world, and fester up so much love in my heart, aren’t they
  Camryn Hokenstad Childcare and Front Desk Since February 2017 Hometown: Lake Orion, MI What Got you into Fitness? I’ve always been an athlete and growing up I was passionate about soccer and athletics. I played for about 13 years
Another week in the life of Jen. Man, I just can’t believe how quickly this summer has flown by! It seems like just yesterday we had snow, rain, sleet, and sub optimal temperatures, and now, it’s taking every ounce of
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