Wow. While I have taken a bit of a hiatus from blogging for the last couple of months, I have really grown to miss the putting together of blogs to share with all of you. It wasn’t the same prepping
We believe that doing our workouts in a group helps foster a supportive, motivating environment for our clients. But sometimes, being a group can be pretty intimidating (lots of people, working out when you’re not used to it, loud music,
Hello, I’m Nate and I have a fun job. I meet people for a living! Well, I don’t just meet people; I engage with them, I listen to them, I get to know the things they hold near and dear
Trevor Plummer Agent Of Change Since 2017 Hometown: Garden City, MI What got you into fitness? I have always been physically active growing up, playing multiple different sports, but my main focus through high school was soccer. I played 3 years
What motivated you to start at AFS and how did you hear about us? Some friends of friends had gone to AFS and had been pretty successful. I had started working out on my own but wanted to take things
James Digan Intake Manager – AFS Rochester Agent of Change Since 2017 Hometown: Rochdale, UK About Me I jumped into fitness and health at a very early age playing sports. Growing up I was a part of any team I
Cody Mikuska Agent Of Change Since 2017 Hometown: Newberry, MI What got you into fitness? Being overweight when I was younger. When I started to play basketball and lose weight my overall confidence grew so I added in weight lifting
Alright Football Fans! It’s that time of year! The cool air has already made its way here to Michigan, so fans are just itching to get into the stadium! Thank goodness for no more construction along Stadium Dr., can I
 So this AFS thing has been pretty successful for you Rosalyn..Could you share what lead  to you seeking us out? (What you’ve done in the past, why you decided you needed some guidance/support)? I saw an ad on Facebook
Well, what do you know. I tried my hand at this whole Paleo diet, and I have been doing really well all week, and then realized after making this dish, that I cooked with edamame, and duh, it’s a BEAN/LEGUME!
Tyler Stennett Agent Of Change Since 2017 Hometown: Manchester, MI What got you into fitness? I really started diving into the fitness realm a little over a year ago when I decided I needed to make a change in
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