
Client Success (Ann Arbor)



Name: Emily Piniatoglou

Start Date:  Spring 2008

Fitness Practitioner: Michael Stack

Results: Lost 18lbs of fat and replaced it with muscle

 1) How did you hear about AFS?

I learned about AFS a couple weeks after it opened from a friend of mine who had just started going!

 2) What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?

I had always been fairly active, but after two kids fitting in workouts was tough and I hadn’t found a place that really inspired me and motivated me. After talking with Mike on the phone to learn more I did a trial class and loved it. I have now been working out at AFS for 7 years!

 3) What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?

I had heard great things about AFS! I really liked the fact that I was being assigned to a fitness practitioner who would help me based on MY personal goals.  He held me accountable, provided great motivation, set goals with me, structured my recommended fitness program around my schedule and I didn’t feel intimidated at all!

 4) How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?

I followed and continue to follow the recommendations of my practitioner! I work out consistently and also food log. The combination of exercise AND food logging keeps me on track! I also like the fact that we re-evaluate my goals every 6 weeks and make changes as necessary. The accountability to my practitioner (and myself) is a piece of AFS that sets it apart from other fitness programs.

 5) What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?

I feel better than I ever have, have more self-confidence, am happy in my body.  In addition I  have made some life-long friends with others I have met at AFS.  I LOVE working out and know it’s because of AFS!

6) Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?

Advice you can offer others looking to make changes like you’ve made?  Follow the program, trust your practitioners and know this is about making life-long choices…it’s not a here and now “Fix”.



Thanks for being there since the start Emily!

-AFS Team

 Want more info on Emily’s program?

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