The “Skinny” on Body Wraps for Weight Loss
As many of you embark on the New Year and new fitness goals, you probably have wondered if there is anything you can do to reach your goals faster. There has to be a shortcut to losing inches and burning
As many of you embark on the New Year and new fitness goals, you probably have wondered if there is anything you can do to reach your goals faster. There has to be a shortcut to losing inches and burning
It’s a new year and time to start fresh! The new you is going to look slim, be fit and break ALL of your bad habits. Well, MOST of your bad habits…ok, SOME of your bad habits. We all know
The concept of carbohydrate restriction for weight loss is nothing new, and as we have discussed many times, it is an ineffective way to lose body fat. A variation of this concept is “carb cycling” (alternating high and low carb periods).
It’s funny how many fictional stories from throughout the ages closely resemble situations in our own lives. Writers of old and new, from Shakespeare to the writers at Disney, all share the ability to connect with people through their stories
What should you eat before a workout? What about during and after? What if you work out really early in the morning or really late in the evening? Are there supplements you should take around your workouts? These questions are
Sunday September 15th AAFSC Athletes will have the chance to have a fun and memorable experience all while testing their fitness capacities and receiving data and professional feedback on how to improve as a skater. Objectives of Testing • Create
Every year, more and more exercise videos, gimmicks and products hit the market. With ever-changing research, this is not always a bad thing. What we thought was “right” 30 years ago may be completely different today. With that said, there
In last week’s blog I covered optimal nutrient timing for fat loss. This week we are going to tackle muscle growth. While nutrient timing is important for fat loss and plays an important role in adaptation, the importance of nutrient
Losing weight is not an easy task, and sometimes getting started can be the hardest part. We have become very accustomed to an instant gratification without having to do much work. Starting something with an end goal that’s one or two Thank You! Thank you parents and coaches for making this day possible for the athletes! Also, special thanks to Mary Johanson and Diane Wilson for making this such a successful event! Here is a quick recap video AFS put together Q&A with AFS owner Mike Stack on the new kids program Who is the new PST appropriate for? “The new PST is appropriate for 5th-8th graders looking to improve their overall fitness (strength, speed, conditioning, and body composition) for general
It is common for women to gain weight during mid-life, and it’s often blamed on hormonal changes related to perimenopause, menopause or treatment for those changes (i.e. hormone therapy). Let’s examine the facts. Changes as a result of declining levels
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