
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

4 Reasons To Eat More Fiber

    What is Fiber? Everyone knows that fiber is important for optimal health. However, it is commonly neglected when qualitative changes are made to a diet. What is fiber and why is it important to track it along with

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Welcome Holly Cleckler, Fitness Instructor

Holly Cleckler Guilty Pleasure TV program: Duck Dynasty & Friends Favorite Cheat Meal: ICE CREAM Nerdy Obsession: Learning about exercise physiology Hidden Talent: I know the lyrics to EVERY country song! Favorite Sports Team: Go Blue! What’s more likely Aliens

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Protein Two types: Essential and non-essential To keep it simple, proteins are the building blocks of our bodies. They’re made up of chains of amino acids used for restoring cells and developing the body. The two types of proteins are

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The Importance Of Range Of Motion

“Squat deeper”. “Go all the way down”. “Get your knees up higher”. Most of our clients hear statements such as these from their instructors all of the time.  Moving through a limited range of motion is one of the most

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Recreational Low Back Pain

Lower back pain (LBP) is a condition that plagues many people. In most cases, it is caused by inactivity and muscle weakness. But what if you are active and have LBP? In fact, what if you actively engage in exercises

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Activity Trackers: Useful Or A Waste Of Money?

Personal activity trackers are one of the hottest fitness items on the market. Devices like the Fit-Bit, Nike Fuel Band, and Jawbone-Up lead the way and seem to be wrapped around everyone’s wrist. With proposed capabilities including calorie counting via

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Suffering From Runner’s Knee?

Running is a great activity to burn calories and improve aerobic fitness. However, due to the high impact nature of running, a number of orthopedic issues can occur. One of the most common injuries is “Runner’s Knee.” What Is Runner’s

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Your Dietary Rules!

No desserts when dining out because dinner portions always are larger than normal portions. Designate small bowls or plates for desserts at home, and always limit the serving size to what fits. Replace normal lunches on weekends with a lower

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The “Perfect” Diet Part II

In my previous blog, “The Perfect Diet”  I left my readers with the following challenge: My Challenge   Think of one (or more) rule(s) that can improve your current dietary habits. Here’s the catch, this rule must: Be maintainable for at

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Does Strength Training Reduce Flexibility?

Does resistance training reduce flexibility? Should you always stretch after lifting to prevent muscles from shortening? Do bigger muscles reduce one’s flexibility? These are some of the most common questions/concerns new clients have when starting a program involving resistance training.

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