
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Meet Amy!

Amy Gluck started interning for us this spring as a rehabilitation therapy assignment. We’ve really enjoyed working with her and wanted to share her story!   Amy graduated in 1993 with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Biology and Chemistry

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Healthy brownies? Could it be!?

These are better than any brownies you’ve ever made, and as luck would have it, they’re healthy! This is a great way to pack some extra beans into your diet the fun way! Start with either Low-Fat Brownie mix made

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Apple Watch Review (Will it help me get fit?)

In today’s age of technological advances, many of my clients seem to be seeking out the best fitness tracking device. Today there are many on the market. Some of the “best” trackers include: Fitbit (and it’s many versions) Jawbone Moov

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5 Tips for Better Recovery

  Optimizing your Recovery from Exercise “Delayed onset muscle soreness” (DOMs) is the official name for muscle soreness that occurs 24 to 48 hours after exercise and typically subsides after a couple of days. While minor degrees of muscle soreness

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Client Success (Ann Arbor)

Name: Jane Callegari Start Date: 1/23/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Jen Fuller Results To Date: 21lbs of fat lost, down 10% body fat 1) How did you hear about AFS? I heard about AFS through my friends/colleagues-Judy Ivacko and Jodi Fichera. 2)

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Client Success Update (Ann Arbor)

Name: Deb Martin Start Date:  12/17/2014 Fitness Practitioner: Kemper Sosa Results To Date: 24lbs of fat lost and down 13% body fat  1) How did you hear about AFS? Over the course of about a year I kept hearing a

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Meet Mark!

 Mark Onusko AFS client since: 3/4/2015 About Me: My name is Mark and, probably like most of you, I joined AFS to lose weight. When I started AFS I was very overweight with a BMI well over 30 and a

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AFS adds new Video System!

Provides a better, more interactive and more individualized experience! Adding video of each movement for each intensity level will free up the instructor to provide a better quality of service! Clients will now be able to immediately look at the

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Ortho-profile: Plantar Fasciitis

If you’re an exerciser you will undoubtedly have foot pain from time-to-time, after all you spend most, if not all of your exercising time on your feet. For some, this pain can become chronic, more severe, and in some cases

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