
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Why do I need to take a multivitamin?

Fast Facts: Read these if you just want the basic recommendation. 1) The average diet lacks unprocessed foods that are packed-full of vitamins and minerals (examples of these foods are: fresh fruits/vegetables, lean meats, poultry, fresh fish, whole grains, beans,

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What are good protein shakes and bars?

Fast Facts: Read these if you just want the basic recommendation. 1) Protein shakes and bars can be great ways to supplement your dietary protein intake, particularly when you are on the go and don’t have time to eat a

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What are good vegetarian/vegan protein options?

Fast Facts: Read these if you want just the basic recommendation 1) For more information on overall protein requirements, click here. 2) Being a vegan (not consuming/using any animal products) or vegetarian (not eating meat) is NOT a health decision.

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Success Story- Laura Fisher

  Name: Laura Fisher Fitness Practitioner: Jared Freeman Start Date: March 29th, 2013 Results to date: Lost 38 pounds of fat mass, down 18% body fat 1) How did you hear about AFS? I started AFS with my friend whose mom had gotten him

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Success Story- Dave Egeler

Name: Dave Egeler Fitness Practitioner: Carli Taylor Start Date: July 4th, 2014 Results to date: Lost 21 pounds of fat mass, down 10% body fat, gained 12 pounds of lean mass THE PROBLEM It all started late one night when I offered to

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How Much Protein do I need? How do I get more?

Fast Facts: Read these if you want just the basic recommendations. 1) The current RDA recommendations for protein intake (about half your body weight in grams per day) were established based on an inactive population. An active population needs about

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Meet Austin!

Austin Doggette- Fitness Practitioner Hometown: Huntsville, Alabama A bit about me: I’m a happy go lucky, fun, and a very easy going type of guy. I was born in California and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. I went to school at

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Amazing AFS Clients- Roni Radowick

Name: Roni Radowick Practitioner: Brooke McCartney Results to Date:  50lbs down, less knee pain, more energy, more excitement for the future. 1) How long have you been a client with AFS? I started the middle of March 2015. I was

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Success Story- Maureen Pizzuti

Name: Maureen Pizzuti Fitness Practitioner: Kemper Sosa Start Date: September 9th, 2015 Results to date: Lost 12 pounds of fat mass, down 7% body fat, gained 9 pounds of lean mass 1) How did you hear about AFS? My friend, Anne Kreykes, was

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Looking Forward to 2016!

It has been our pleasure getting the chance to work with so many wonderful people. The work ethic we have witnessed is truly amazing and you have all continued to inspire us as individuals as well as motivating us to

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Success Story- Erin Holodnick

Name: Erin Holodnick Fitness Practitioner: Chris Eskin Start Date: September 9th, 2015 Results to date: Lost 18.5 pounds of fat mass, gained 6 pounds of lean mass 1) How did you hear about AFS? I first learned about AFS through

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