What motivated you to start at AFS and how did you hear about us?
Some friends of friends had gone to AFS and had been pretty successful. I had started working out on my own but wanted to take things up to the next level.
What kept you coming back to AFS?
I really like the environment, not just the physical environment, but the people. The staff works hard to learn your name and are available if you need help. Other members are also friendly and supportive. Everyone works hard together and it’s a very diverse mix of people with different age, gender, and cultural backgrounds.
How do you define your success?
My success is getting stronger and being able to do things that I didn’t think I was able to do or didn’t want to do. When I work out 5 times a week or run a 5K (even if my time isn’t amazing) it is a success for me.
What was your biggest obstacle you overcame to achieve your success?

What is your “WHY”?
When you are told in your mid-twenties that you have IBS and a rare tumor that usually occurs in 1 in 100,000 people over the age of 50 and shortly after finding this out, numerous studies are release saying that other folks your age are having the same issue due to poor diet and lack of exercise, and then learn that vigorous exercise can help reduce the risk of various types of cancers, the question becomes, “why aren’t you exercising and eating healthy?” Realizing my own mortality but also that there are certain things that I have the ability to control in my life to help me live a long healthy life was my “WHY”. Being sick and going through what I went through is not worth it if it can be avoided!
How is your life different now?
Tell us about a moment where you were really proud of yourself.
When I ran my second 5K and my uncle saw me later that day and said: “hey, I saw you running in downtown Ypsi this morning you were really moving.” The 5K was a doughnut dash, but I did it just for the fun. I didn’t even want the doughnuts 😉