
Success Story: Mike W.


Mike’s biggest obstacle was admitting he needed help. We helped him overcome.

A coworker started training at AFS. I was impressed by his better
eating habits and weight loss. He also mentioned that his doctor took
him off his blood pressure medication. He said the reduction in his
medication costs easily offset his AFS expenses. With that kind of
endorsement, how I could I not check out AFS?


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Four Years Ago, I Was Wheelchair Bound

Thanks to an operation and a fair amount of hard work, I’m back on my feet. I intend to keep it that way! AFS has improved my mobility and strength, in ways I don’t think I could accomplish on my own.
As soon as I walked in the door, I felt welcomed. The staff are always engaging and uplifting, which is exactly what I look forward to at the end of each day. The classes are open to all fitness levels from novice to athletic, ages ranging from 14 to 80 years old! No matter what, they have an exercise for you and you’ll be treated with the utmost respect and passion.
All you have to do is show up and AFS takes it from there. I just have to make it in the door and I win. They make it easier for me.

My Advice A Year In

Show up and try it out. AFS is so unique and different than any fitness facility out there. The only way to truly understand their power is to experience it for yourself.  The hardest part was admitting to myself that I couldn’t do this alone, which was the biggest obstacle. Once I trusted the process, the success just started to happen.
Since my success, I get invited out more often! I joke about this with Claire, but oddly, I do seem to get out and socialize more. Coincidence? I think not! I still have a couple things to check off my goal list, such as, I want to stand from a sitting position on the floor without having to use my hands for support. Lunges, I want to do lunges with my old man knees!

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