Success Story- Maureen Pizzuti


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Name: Maureen Pizzuti

Fitness Practitioner: Kemper Sosa

Start Date: September 9th, 2015

Results to date: Lost 12 pounds of fat mass, down 7% body fat, gained 9 pounds of lean mass

1) How did you hear about AFS?
My friend, Anne Kreykes, was aware of my frustration with the fitness classes offered at another gym that no longer worked into my schedule. She shared with me the results she was getting at AFS.  

2) What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?
My husband, my son’s pending wedding (this past November) and my own realization that I had let myself go. 

3) What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?
A few things intrigued me about AFS: How result oriented it is, along with a professional staff that works hard at helping you achieve successful outcomes, plenty of scheduling options, and NEVER a boring workout.

4) How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?
Accountability, Kemper, and all of the AFS team. Ugh, the ugly moment of truth. Sorry, Kemper, at first I thought, OMG this guy is going to pinch my fat? He has taught me how to focus and maintain accountability for my fitness/health. He has taught me patience with the life style changes that I am making, yet knows when to set me up for the next challenge. Food logging is important, too. You realize how you are and/or have been sabotaging yourself with your food choices. 

5) What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?

 “If mama ain’t happy nobody’s happy”…..I’m happier (so is my family). My stress level in now manageable. I have more energy and feel better about myself. 

6) Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?

New Year’s is not the only time to resolve taking care of yourself. Don’t wait to get started! Enjoy and reward yourself along the way.


Maureen, your laugh and witty personality always makes us smile 🙂 Beautiful family!

-AFS Team

Want more info on Maureen’s program?

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