Success Story- Donna Iula



Name: Donna Iula

Start Date: June 2015

Fitness Practitioner: Jen Fuller

Results To Date: 15 lbs of fat mass lost, down 8% body fat

1) How did you hear about AFS?

I heard about AFS through my friend, Nicole Porter.

2) What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?

I’ve always had to be extremely mindful of my diet to feel in good shape. Fortunately I love eating healthy and I love working out.  Every now and then, though, I notice the scale tipping a few pounds outside my ideal weight range and I feel my jeans getting a bit tighter.  That’s when I got extra serious, and most recently, it happened five months ago.

3) What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?

I knew I needed something new and exciting to keep me motivated to help me lose five pounds, which at my age, isn’t easy.  I had lunch with Nicole around that time and she told me about this awesome place she was going to, and as a fitness buff I was super excited to try it out.  I only hoped to maybe lose a few pounds and have fun taking the circuit training classes, which sounded like something I would really love.     

4) How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?

Adjusting to a higher-protein and lower-carbohydrate diet was a big change for me but, I was able to do so via careful (and honest) food-logging. I also soaked up every piece of advice given to me by Jen.  I started drinking a lot more water.  The WLS classes are so much fun and such a great way to get both cardio and strength building in at the same time.  The regular fitness assessments coupled with having Jen review my food logs weekly was just the accountability I needed.  The trainers are so amazing and offer modifications to any injury you may have so you always get a top-notch, challenging, fun, heart-pounding workout. That’s one of the many things I really love about AFS.

5) What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?

When I joined, I had no idea my body would transform as it did.  I honestly only wanted to enjoy the circuit training classes and maybe lose a few pounds.  I wound up losing 15 pounds of fat that I didn’t even think I had to lose!  I am now at a weight I have never been at as an adult.  I can fit nicely into any clothes I try on because my body shape has transformed.   I love feeling in control of my weight, which is a huge confidence booster.

6) Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?

I’ve never been a part of a program that integrates health, nutrition, exercise, and accountability so well.  These guys know what they are doing so trust the process.  There’s obviously a lot of science behind everything they suggest because it works!  If you follow the diet and exercise advice of your fitness practitioner you will succeed as well.  You will have to make some modifications to your diet and learn to say no when family/friends/co-workers try to steer you off track, which is not always easy, but the rewards at the end of the day are so worth it-trust me! AFS helped me achieve something I never could have imagined in my wildest dreams.  Thanks Jen and everyone at AFS…keep up the fantastic work!  You guys got it goin’ on!
Donna, we hope your story inspires others just like you’ve inspired us 🙂
-AFS Team
 Want more info on Donna’s program?

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