Success Story (Ann Arbor)



Name: Cindi Ruhl

Start Date:  3/4/2013

Fitness Practitioner: Jen Fuller

Results To Date: 26 lbs of fat lost and down 15% body fat

I was introduced to AFS by a friend. She was going to a reunion and wanted a gym buddy to support her quest for better health. I had always been an active person. The nature of my profession requires a certain physical aptitude. But I came from a family of origin who dieted all the time with lots of restrictions, bad foods and rules in regards to eating. My normal eating patterns were negatively affected by this diet mentality. It was with reservation I walked into Nate’s office crossed my arms and slumped into a chair and thought here we go again.  Now after two years of following the system I’m at a level of health and fitness for me I wouldn’t have believed I could reach! 
At  Applied Fitness Solutions I achieved an education in mindful fitness. One important thing I learned and used were those simple numbers on the Fatsecret program. Ok, I hate food logging. It. Is. A. Total. Chore. But, truly this app is very straightforward and the data doesn’t lie. I was blown away at how unmindful I was eating. Not just the amount but the WHAT in terms of ratio of fat, carbs. and protein. If you don’t know your baseline of nutrition you don’t have all the information to make those small but really important changes. Diet NOT Dieting is one of biggest reasons for my success in being healthy. The next big game changer for me was exercising smarter NOT mindlessly. I had no problem going to a gym class elsewhere and jumping around in circles really fast or lifting weights like a jack rabbit.
However the classes at AFS set the stage for smart, controlled movement. I was taught how to perform the exercise and why it matters to think about the mechanics. If you know how something works it helps you do it correctly. Finally, the graduating levels of intensity of exercise offered in each class allow for anyone of any ability to complete a class. If you have any concerns or are in need of additional help there are dedicated, college educated fitness practitioners with you the entire class guiding the group and answering any questions.
I’m still learning how to be this person who listens to my body, to feed it good food and keep physically moving in the right ways. I don’t have all the answers but I here are a few things that worked for me.
Food log. You can’t fix it if you don’t know what IT is! Try it. Get the information then use it to give you an advantage. Trust me on this one.
Go to class. Yeah it’s easy to talk about going but actually go! Just because you did not make the Monday class at 8:30 doesn’t mean you can’t go one of the other 100 classes offered during the week. Be flexible. 
Find your people. You know who they are…. find them. In every class find the folks who will encourage you, inspire you, whine with you and hold you accountable. It takes a village right?
Acknowledge your efforts. Instead of being negative about how slow the change seems, how hard the work is or how much better “sally” is doing it…celebrate the small successes! Did you make it to a class? Excellent. Take a moment to assess how you feel. Go again tomorrow. Did you food log? Fabulous. You are getting the cliff notes on how to eat smarter ….Just add more protein tomorrow (See? I listened to you Jen!)
The bottom line is I worked really hard and I earned my health. AFS gave me all the tools to get healthier. With the help of AFS’s workable program, the knowledgeable and professional instructors and the support staff to guide me I am stronger, happier, and more balanced in life.
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She doesn’t mention it in the story, but Cindi is one of the most positive people we’ve ever worked with. She makes everyone’s day better around her! Thank you Cindi! Your spirit is contagious 🙂

-AFS Team

Want more info on Cindi’s program?

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