Paul Depalma Success Story


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Name: Paul Depalma

Practitioner: Bailey Paull-Baird

Start Date: Oct. 22nd, 2015

Results to Date: Down 16lbs of Fat Mass, and up 12lbs of Lean Mass

How did you hear about AFS?
I live and work in Plymouth, so I had driven by many times. The name sounded intriguing and unlike other gyms, so I visited the website and scheduled my consultation with Nate.

What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?
I suppose it was more of a challenge to myself. Do I want to just feel good, or do I want to feel great? After doing a bit of research on AFS and how the program works, it just made sense.

What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?
I’ve never really been interested in the typical gym environment, and so I’ve always relied on whatever equipment I had at home to stay in shape. The problem I’ve had with that in the past is maintaining motivation to stay on a regimen that is realistic and sustainable. AFS isn’t your typical gym environment and brings a level of accountability, which in my opinion is a huge component of the system, since you often check-in with your practitioner, with assessments along the way that let you track results. That ultimately was what led me to give it a try.

How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?
Discipline and desire! Not to mention, the always awesome guidance from Bailey, my practitioner and “macro” guru. My goals were to lose some fat and gain muscle simultaneously, not always easy since your body doesn’t like parting with calories when trying to add muscle. Bailey dialed it in on the money from the start. Diet, and eating clean is such a huge component. I can’t stress enough how important it is to know what you’re eating!

What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?
I feel better and stronger at 45 than I did at 25, by a longshot! I’ve always carried extra weight around my mid-section, so I’m pretty ecstatic that my waist size is smaller now than it was in high school! My energy levels have increased substantially, which is a huge bonus. When you start seeing and feeling results, staying motivated is almost a breeze.

Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?
First and foremost, you have to want it. And yes it takes some hard work and diligence. Like anything in life, you take out what you put in. Ultimately, it’s the guidance and support system that really sets AFS apart from the $30 per month gyms that you see on every corner. Devin, Bailey, and the entire staff at AFS are top-notch and committed to your success. The way I see it, you’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose by at least trying. Glad I did:)

Paul, you’ve far exceeded our expectations, we love working with you 🙂 !

Want to make changes like Paul?

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