Patti’s Perseverance: Slow And Steady Wins The Race!




How long have you been a client with  AFS?

I have been a client for 1 year and 4 months.  Time flies when you’re having fun!

What do you look forward to most when coming to AFS?

I really look forward to seeing my AFS friends; both staff and other clients!  I truly miss everyone if I’m gone for awhile. Also, I must admit that I look forward to that post workout adrenaline rush I get after class – it’s a great way to start the day!

What has been the most rewarding part of your AFS experience?

I think the most rewarding part is checking in with Chris every 6 weeks for my assessments.  It’s great to see the progress made at each of those 6 week intervals.  It has been a slow, gradual process for me, but this is the first time I’ve stayed consistent with both exercising and healthy eating for a long period of time.  All of those small accomplishments do add up!  Hang in there and don’t fret if you aren’t seeing dramatic losses when you first start.

What keeps you going/motivated?

When I set fitness goals and actually reach them, I feel so empowered!  I keep coming back because I am finally having success after so many years of failed attempts to be fit!  It feels so good to be able to perform exercises that felt impossible to do when I first joined.

What has been the hardest part of this journey ?

Well, just like almost everybody else, the nutritional end of things is where I have most of my struggles.  But I also must admit that the strength classes were initially hard for me.  I did not have much experience in the weight room and felt so intimidated – even just walking into that area of the building made me a bit anxious!  LOL Chris has made these classes, dare I say, enjoyable; and has introduced me to various fun challenges in the weight room!  Now, I actually look forward to what my new routine will be every 4 weeks!

What has been your favorite exercise and why?

My favorite exercise is pounding on the bags… so satisfying and a great stress reliever! I’ve also become fond of tuck jumps and decline push-ups, because now I can actually do them!

What advice can you offer others looking to start?

If you are looking to start a fitness program, my advice is to come in and talk with Nate or Kelly and take advantage of the free trial class. Then stay after class for a few minutes and talk with some of the people you just worked out with, and chat with some other staff members.  It will be quite obvious that the AFS environment is supportive, non-judgemental, extremely knowledgeable and a ton of fun!

I would also recommend going to the AFS website and reading through the blogs.  So many people have overcome tremendous obstacles in their fitness journeys.  It’s truly inspiring to read their stories, then to see these same people working out in class with you.  They are walking testimonies; proving that when you set goals, work hard, and have the proper guidance, successful results will happen!

Results to Date: Down 32 lbs Fat Mass, Up 10.5 lbs Lean Mass, and Down 18% Body Fat

Practitioner: Chris Eskin

Start Date: April, 2015

Patti, your positive attitude is simply contagious.  We truly enjoy having you with us. 🙂 

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