Meet Our Team


Tyler Stennett

Agent Of Change Since 2017

Hometown: Manchester, MI


What got you into fitness?

I really started diving into the fitness realm a little over a year ago when I decided I needed to make a change in my lifestyle. What originally began as a simple goal to just lose some weight ended up blossoming into a burning passion for an industry that literally changes peoples lives, including my own.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Real loaded question! I have two. One being Jif honey peanut butter. I eat a jar every two days. No joke. The second being Skittles. I’m at least a pack a day kind of guy when it comes to Skittles. Don’t judge me 😉

Who’s your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspirations are my younger brothers. They are the reason behind everything that I do. Words do not do justice to the impact they have had on my life.

Favorite Quote?

“90% of the game is half mental.” -Yogi Berra

What would you sing in Karaoke?

I’m going to give you a two-for-one: “Black” by Pearl Jam or “Makin’ Me Look Good Again” by Drake White.

What does family mean to you?

The family is everything. They are my backbone. My foundation. Nobody is ever there for you more than your family!

If you had to eat one meal the rest of your life?

There’s this restaurant in Clearwater, Florida called Salty’s Island Bar & Grill. Swear on my life that it has the best red snapper, collard greens and fruit combo that you’ll ever consume.

Proudest accomplishment?

Hands down, starting the wave at Comerica Park during a Tiger’s game. It’s not the easiest job to rally 30,000 people.

What Tyler says his experience has been like at AFS so far…

“I definitely didn’t expect that within a month I would be so attached! What makes AFS so comfortable to me are the people. The clients. The staff. There is a close-knit friendly vibe I get every time I walk through the doors. Everybody wants each other to succeed, which obviously makes for a great setting for success!”

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