Meet our new Interns!


IMG_4551Bhillie Luciani- Intern- Ann Arbor

Hometown: Kamuela, HI

I’m from Kamuela on the Big Island of Hawaii. I swam and played water polo competitively and then came to Michigan to play water polo. When I got here, I sport-hopped and joined the rowing team. Now I’m just doing my own thing and I’ll be going into my senior year in the fall.

Favorite Movie:

The Lord of the Rings movies. My obsession is probably equivalent to Mike’s obsession with Star Wars.

 Favorite Sports Team:

I don’t really have a favorite team? I like watching basketball because it’s the closest thing to water polo that I understand. Plus no water polo games are broadcasted on TV.

Favorite Cheat Meal:

Chocolate. Peanut butter. Both.

Biggest Fear:

You know the Saw movies? Yeah, that.Hidden Talent:

Hidden Talent:

I can make the same noise with three different inflections to sound either like Predator, Perry the Platypus, or Chewbacca.

Bucket List:

1. Snuggle with 50 puppies or kittens
2. Reconnect with family in Italy
3. Out-bun Kemper
4. AFS Hawaii?

When I’m not at AFS:

Wait… When am I not at AFS? In all seriousness, you’ll most likely find me in a coffee shop with my face in a book.

Why I chose to intern at AFS:

It’s a tight-knit community that everyone is so comfortable being in. Everyone also has something to contribute – especially clients, which is really cool.

IMG_4553Claire Tewksbury- Intern- Ann Arbor

Hometown: Dexter, MI

I’m starting my 5th year at the University of Michigan. I’m studying Movement Science in the School of Kinesiology. I will be taking the GRE in August and applying for graduate schools in the fall. I was on the Track and Field team at UM where I pole vaulted. I currently also work at the School of Dentistry as a research assistant.

Favorite Movie:

I don’t have a favorite movie, but I’m currently loving Game of Thrones.

Favorite Sports Team:

Detroit Red Wings

Favorite Cheat Meal:

Every meal I eat.

Biggest Fear:

Well, any reptile or amphibian. But definitely snakes.

Hidden Talent:

Being clumsy.

Bucket List:

Find sustainable happiness. And go skydiving, of course.

When I’m not at AFS:

You can find me at a lab in the Dental School, the gym, or the golf course.

Why I chose to intern at AFS:

AFS uses science behind the scenes to empower clients to reach their goals. I love the science aspect of fitness and nutrition and I needed to surround myself around people who will help me grow. That is why I really needed to work for AFS.


IMG_4552Greg Yaros- Intern- Ann Arbor

Hometown: Dearborn, MI

I will be a senior at the University of Michigan this upcoming fall and am majoring in Health and Fitness in the School of Kinesiology. I work as a Residential Advisor (RA) in the Mosher-Jordan dormitory. I also work at the gyms on campus as a building supervisor and lead fitness attendant. During my free time I love to workout, watch football, and play card and board games.

Favorite Movie:

Friday Night Lights

Favorite Sports Team:

Green Bay Packers

Favorite Cheat Meal:

I love dessert so anything with chocolate. More specifically, the brownie earthquake at Dairy Queen.

Biggest Fear:

Spiders… and roller coasters.

Hidden Talent:

I don’t really have one but one time I ate over 40 boneless wings in one sitting at Buffalo Wild Wings.

Bucket List:

Travel to all 50 states in the US.

When I’m not at AFS:

I am most likely working another job or working out.

Why I chose to intern at AFS:

AFS stresses the importance of personal relationships and community. Everyone enjoys going there because of the interactions and encouragement they receive. I wanted to be a part of that.

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