Meet Jen and Josh (AFS Ann Arbor)!


IMG_3508Josh Verran- Strength Assistant

Hometown: Hancock, MI

I was born and raised in a small town in the UP. After high school, I joined the Air Force and it was during my service that I fell in love with fitness. After my first enlistment, I decided to attend school for kinesiology. I spent my first year at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and then transferred to Michigan to get closer to home. I have been interning with Michigan Strength & Conditioning for the past year, and upon graduation, I plan on working as a strength and conditioning coach or attending grad school.

Favorite Movie:

Dumb and Dumber

Favorite Sports Team:

Detroit Tigers

Favorite Cheat Meal:

Pizza with a side of Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked

Biggest Fear:

I’m fearless 😉

Hidden Talent:

I know my way around a wood shop pretty well.

Bucket List:

Backpack the Appalachian Trail

When I’m not at AFS:

You can find me and my dog doing something outside

Why I chose to work at AFS:

I have always heard great things about AFS and Mike from professors and other students at Michigan, and when I finally met Mike and interviewed for the position, I knew AFS would be a great place to continue and progress my fitness career.

(null)-5Jen Craig- Administrative Staff

Hometown: Chelsea, MI

I graduated in December from the University of Toledo with a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and just recently started my degree in Physical Therapy Assistant. I am also a competitive Scottish Highland Dancer and an identical twin!

Favorite Movie:

The Hunger Games

Favorite Sports Team:

Detroit Red Wings

Favorite Cheat Meal:

Macaroni and Cheese

Biggest Fear:


Hidden Talent:

Scottish Highland Dancer

Bucket List:

Learn to curl!

When I’m not at AFS:

 Teaching dance, dance competitions, and school.

Why I chose to work at AFS:

It seemed like a great opportunity to learn more about fitness and the industry. I really liked the friendly environment and how passionate everyone is about the positive impact this company is making in the fitness industry.

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