
Meet Ellie and Mary!


IMG_2873Ellie Candiotti- Admin Staff

Hometown: Saline, MI

A bit about me:

I recently graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. Yes I did suffer through the green and white to receive my diploma. (I bleed maize and blue)

I am definitely a morning person and enjoy being outdoors.

I love running.

I am obsessed with my golden retriever named Cody.

Giraffes are my favorite animal.

I can never get enough sunshine.

My favorite color is purple.

Favorite Movie:

I can’t choose sooo Coach Carter and Friday Night Lights

Favorite Sports Team:

Michigan Football. Hail Harbaugh!

Favorite Cheat Meal:

Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream 🙂 anything chocolate really

Biggest Fear:

Snakes. The way they slither is just terrifying to me

Hidden Talent:

I am actually a beast at Zumba, Dance Central and the Michael Jackson Xbox Kinect games.

Bucket List:

Visit every Zoo in the country, go to the hotel in Africa where giraffes come to your bedroom window and wake up in the morning and explore Italy, Greece and Spain.

When I’m not at AFS:

I am usually hanging out with my golden retriever, Cody, at the Big House or at a giraffe exhibit.

Why I chose to work at AFS:

 I grew up around fitness. My family has always been active.  Whether it was instructing fitness classes, playing sports, running a 10K, canoeing we enjoyed each activity.  When I had the opportunity to become apart of not only a gym but a fitness community there was no way I could pass it up. Getting to know the clients here is the best part! I love seeing everyone motivating each other and changing their lifestyles for the better day by day.

IMG_2872Mary Gilleland- Cleaning Staff

Hometown: Milwaukee, WI

A bit about me:

I grew up in Milwaukee and I had relatives that lived in MI and I decided I wanted to try out something new!

Favorite Movie:

Cheech and Chong

Favorite Sports Team:

Red wings and Detroit Tigers

Favorite Cheat Meal:

Nothing like a good pizza!

Biggest Fear:

When clients walk into the facility with dirt on their shoes

Hidden Talent:

CrossFit is my hidden talent. I ranked 11th out of 20 females for the CrossFit games in the 50-54 division in 2012.

Bucket List:

I would like to go on some adventures in Hawaii!

When I’m not at AFS:

When I’m not at AFS, I’m either at home spending time with my husband, Randy, or doing CrossFit.

Why I chose to work at AFS:

I chose to work at AFS because I love to clean and I have a passion for fitness, so this was the best of both worlds!

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