Julie Told Herself “I Can Do This”, You Can Too!



How did you hear about AFS?
My coworker at Roush, Joe, invited a bunch of us to do a trial class all together.  I had been out of my exercise routine since 2013 when my dad passed away.  I got really sad and depressed, I stopped reading, I stopped exercising and I was sick all the time.  I knew it was time for a change, so when Joe invited me, I was ready.

What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?
I was at my heaviest weight in March 2015 – just before I started AFS.  I realized it was seriously affecting my health. It was a challenge to get through that first AFS workout, and I soon realized I didn’t have the stamina that I used to. I knew it was time for a change! I almost quit my first week into the program… between the working out and keeping track of my calories and my food choices, I became overwhelmed. The second week, I told myself I can do this!  And I did 🙂

What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?
I have always worked out at a gym on my own, and experienced little results. Having an AFS practitioner ensuring I work out correctly as well as pushing me to my fullest capabilities was exactly what I needed. Also, the exercise program changes daily and I never get bored!

How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?
I’m not going to lie, losing weight is hard – especially being more aware of what I eat.  I love pizza… and coffee creamer?  Don’t get me started!  I like a little coffee with my cream!  However, I’ve learned to scale back.  I still eat pizza, just significantly less often.  I still use coffee creamer, just significantly less.  I simply kept telling myself “I can do this, I can do this, I can do this”.  And class… even if I felt sluggish going into class, I always felt so much better after – both physically and mentally.

What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?
In the beginning, I didn’t notice a big change, but my assessments told another story.  I was blown away by my first assessment, and again by my second one!  There was one time when I was getting ready for work and I went to put on a pair of my pants.  They just slid right off!  I get to buy a new wardrobe… yay!  Since starting with AFS, I have more energy, I don’t get sick as often, and I sleep better.  I even started reading again.  I truly feel better about myself!

Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?
You must be consistent in eating healthy and working out. It is the gradual changes in food choices each day that go a long way to building the body and life you want. If I can do this, you can too!  Never tell yourself that you can’t!!!


Results to Date: Down 33 lbs Fat Mass, Up 4 lbs Lean Mass, Down 20% Body Fat

Practitioner: Chris Eskin

Start Date: March, 2015


Julie, we love your positive attitude!  Have fun shopping, you definitely deserve it! 🙂

Want to make changes like Julie?

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