Get to Know Chris Early


Staff Survey!


Guilty Pleasure TV Program: “SYTYCD”  also known to the general population as ‘So You Think You Can Dance’

Favorite Cheat Meal: Jet’s Pizza and Bread Sticks 😛

Hidden Talent: Really good at giving back massages

Nerdy Obsession: “WOW”, again, also known as World of Warcraft

First Crush: Christina Aguilera.. genie in the bottle baby

Favorite Sports Team: Detroit Red Wings

What’s more likely? Aliens or Ghosts?: Aliens Fo Sho!

Dream Car: Mustang GT

T-shirt or Tanks Top: Tank- Year of the Tank!!

Why do you work at AFS? I have amazing coworkers, great clients who make my day, and the commute to my gym is 20 steps out of my office!


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