Get to know AFS Staff!


 Sawyer’s Staff Survey


Guilty pleasure TV program: The Voice

Favorite cheat meal: Ice cream!

Nerdy obsession: Fantasy novels (Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings etc.). I have probably read upwards of 30-40 in the last 4 years…

Hidden talent: I brew my own beer

First crush: Topanga from Boy Meets World

Favorite sports team: Michigan Football!

What’s more likely? Aliens or Ghosts?: Aliens

Dream car: 1963 Corvette

T-shirt or tank top?: It depends.. T-shirt for most situations, tank for any exercise or if it’s really hot out.

Why do you work for AFS?:

The positive energy and attitude at AFS is extremely contagious and motivating. From the clients to the employees it is obvious that everyone is happy to be here. This positive environment coupled with the fulfillment you get from helping people reach their fitness goals and live healthier lifestyles makes AFS a special place to work. I am very excited to be here!

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