Dave Rhodes Success Story




How did you hear about AFS?

AFS did a presentation at Cequent Performance Products when they opened the Plymouth location.  I was unable to attend as I was travelling but the reaction that some of my co-workers had made me look into it more.  I talked to a neighbor who also was going to AFS Ann Arbor.  When I changed jobs to Ann Arbor, it made sense for me to try it out.

What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?
My dad is in a retirement home.  He has lost the ability to move around by himself.  Seeing the efforts required to get him from a seat to a wheel chair has made me think about what I can do to keep myself in as good of shape as possible to prevent this happening to me.

What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?
I have worked out at gyms in the past.  This was different than anything else I have ever done and I loved it!

How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?
I believe being held accountable by your practitioner definitely is key.  Kemper has given me many suggestions and constantly supports my efforts.

What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?
Doing everyday tasks around the house is much easier.  Focusing on food logs and planning in exercise has become a regular task that needs to be scheduled as well.

Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?
Be realistic.  It makes it harder if you have expectations that are based off TV shows.  I developed bad habits for nearly 50 years so it is not an overnight fix.  It requires patience.

Name: Dave Rhodes

Practitioner: Kemper Sosa

Start Date: October, 2015

Results to Date: Down 29lbs

Dave, we’re thankful that your job location changed and you graced us with your awesome presence! Good luck on your 300 mile bike ride from Traverse City to Michigan International Speedway for Make-A-Wish this weekend 🙂


Want to make changes like Dave?

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