
Client Success Update (Plymouth)



Name: Cheryl Dehn

Start Date:  4/2/2015

Fitness Practitioner: Devin Tarrant

Results To Date: 22lbs of fat lost, 4lbs of lean mass gained

 1) How did you hear about AFS?

My friend Chrissy had been at AFS-AA for several years and when she heard about the Plymouth location opening up, she invited me to the Grand Opening, which I wasn’t able to attend because of a prior commitment, but I checked out the AFS website, read about the different programs and was pretty impressed.

 2) What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?

I have 2 little ones (under 5) and was dealing with a family medical issue. Last fall I was “only” 15 pounds from my goal weight. However, over the winter and holiday season I had gained another 17 pounds and faced the fact that I was about to turn 40 weighing 200 pounds.

 3) What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?

I looked into re-joining Weight Watchers, but I knew what I should be doing, I just didn’t feel motivated to do it on my own and my “Self-Accountability” was pretty much non-existent. Reading about AFS and after a brief talk with Chrissy, it really seemed like AFS would help with my Accountability issues and the workout(s) looked different and interesting, yet doable.

 4) How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?

By getting to AFS 2-3 times a week (mostly 2) for the WLS class and by logging consistently in Fat Secret.  On the weeks that I have been out of town, I try to be active by either requesting and doing a travel workout or by just making the effort to move more. (Walk vs driving places if possible)

If I go over my calorie target for a day or two, I don’t call it a week, but make a plan to get back on track tomorrow.  I have found that by planning how many calories I will need for dinner either the day before or earlier on in the day it helps be plan my lunches and snacks to be close to my calorie range.And I am trying to schedule my assessments for as close to 6 week increments as possible for motivation… trying to see improvements each time.

5) What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?

Where to start?!?!

First, I have more energy to run around with my kids, and I feel more energetic when I go out for runs. My husband is very enthusiastic about my results and has been promoting AFS to his friends and relatives.

I have gotten to revamp my wardrobe.  I have been “shopping” in my closet and have gone down 2 sets of pants as far as fit.  I have been getting lots of compliments on my slimmer look and that feedback has been motivating to keep up the work.

I have been making healthier food choices.  I still eat pizza (almost weekly) but I limit myself to 2-3 pieces and usually have a salad with it. I am also working out more regularly.  I look forward to seeing the Fitness Instructors and the other class participants at my “normal” classes.

6) Advice you can offer others looking to make changes you’ve made?

Give AFS a try! The cool thing about the program is that it can really be tailored to what each person wants to get out of it.  I have had 3 friends all join with 3 very different objectives who are also seeing excellent results and this has lead to 2 other friends joining recently as well.

Glad you trusted your friend Cheryl! Great job so far!!

-AFS Team

 Want more info on Cheryl’s program?

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