Client Success Update (Plymouth)


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Name: Kelly Chauvin

Start Date: 2/28/2015

Assessment Date: 5/28/2015

Fitness Practitioner: Devin Tarrant

Assessment Results: Lost 27lbs in 90 days!

1.)  How did you hear about AFS?

I live about a mile away and drive by multiple times daily.  The bright blue awning caught my eye.  I couldn’t figure out what kind of company “Applied Fitness Solutions” could be (I thought maybe a doctor/nutritionist office building) so I looked it up online.

2.)  What/Who inspired you to take the first step toward getting in shape?

I have a few serious health issues… my doctor told me they would get worse if I didn’t lose a few pounds.  I’ve tried many of the fad diets with no long-term success; she was even ready to put me on a prescription strength appetite suppressant.  I really didn’t want to be on more medication than I need to – I knew I needed to try something different.

3.)  What initially intrigued you about our program/why did you sign up?

Two things stood out the most, accountability and guidance.  I can do anything by myself!!!  …for about 3 weeks.  Knowing I “have to” turn in my food logs to Devin every Sunday and knowing that he WILL contact me if I don’t show up for a stretch of time really keeps me in line.

Also, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I never thought I’d be able to join a gym.  I didn’t know what would be helpful or what would be harmful to my joints.  Traditional gyms are too risky because I don’t know the slightest thing about all the equipment.  The staff at AFS are so knowledgeable and so careful that I feel safe doing what they ask me to do.

4.)  How did you achieve the success you’ve seen thus far?

I’m a big rule follower.  If Devin says eat 1500 calories, I eat 1500 calories.  If Devin says eat 90g of protein, I eat 90g of protein.  I know the trainers have multiple degrees and certifications, I trust that they know what they’re doing.

5.) What changes have you noticed in your life since starting with AFS?

Instant thought: my clothes don’t fit anymore… and I really don’t like shopping. Ha!  #GymProblems

Deeper thought: I am SO proud of myself!  I never thought I could do anything like this, especially with my RA.  Every time I leave class I think, “Holy cow! I just did that!” I’ve never felt this sense of pride when it comes to my health before.  The fact that I can do this and it’s working really keeps me motivated.

6.)  Advice you can offer others looking to make changes like you’ve made?

Follow the rules.

Trust your trainer.

Believe in yourself.


Congrats Kelly! Time to go shopping 🙂 

-AFS Team


 Want more info on Kelly’s program?

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