“Jumping” Into Weight Loss
Jump, jump, jump…..some days it’s all we ever seem to do in Weight Loss Solutions. I think everyone out there can agree that a class full of jumping is no easy task. I get moans, groans, and complaints every week
Jump, jump, jump…..some days it’s all we ever seem to do in Weight Loss Solutions. I think everyone out there can agree that a class full of jumping is no easy task. I get moans, groans, and complaints every week
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The roast was now cooking for hours with care, In hopes that we will have PLENTY to share. The children were
Time has always seemed to be the biggest hurdle for clients when talking about their fitness regimen. If there were only 25 hours in a day, no one would have a problem working out. It would be just enough time
The other day I was at Briarwood mall, walking past Cinnabon, and I couldn’t help but overhear this conversation between three women in line. The first woman said; “Man, I just got this great Groupon for Franks Fitness Frenzy, 2
Fitness Solution We are excited to announce that, due to an overwhelming response to the Fitness Solution class, we are adding and modifying times for this class. Effective Monday 1/16/2012, the Fitness Solution class schedule will be: Monday: 9:45am &
Everyone has been tempted by the lofty promises of diets that guarantee rapid weight loss. In our impatient, want-it-now society, these types of diets have became increasingly popular. Popularity aside, however, these fad diets almost always result in the same
Summer time is here, and you might be thinking the best way to get in shape and shed some extra pounds is to go out for a nice early morning run. Makes sense, right? It’s simple, it’s easy, you don’t
“Man, when I hit 40, it’s like my metabolism just bottomed-out!” “I just can’t seem to lose weight because my metabolism is soooo slow!!” “She’s so lucky, she’s got such a fast metabolism, she can eat whatever she wants!!!” Do
U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A!!! You can almost hear the cheers coming from London! You’ve no doubt watched a little of the Olympics this year, I hope. The spectacle that is the Olympic Games is certainly a site to behold; with all
In my almost 15 years working with clients who have had every imaginable fitness and performance goal, I find one defining quality that always predicts success. In fact, when I look back on every successful client; have it be a
As we come to the close of another year, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on where AFS has been in the past year and where we are going in the coming year. For those of you who
It’s the New Year and you’re looking forward to working hard in the gym to transform yourself into a new you. Great! I applaud you on your renewed vigor to getting in the best shape of your life, but before
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